School’s Out Forever Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.
It’s really starting to look like there are some people who want schools to stay closed forever.
- City of San Francisco Sues Its School District for Not Even Having a Plan to Reopen Schools
- Chicago Public Schools Continue Remote Learning With Two-Day ‘Cooling Off’ Period
- Dems Defeat Amendment Withholding Taxpayer Money to Public Schools That Don’t Open After Vaccinations
It never ends.
Adding insult to injury, stuff like this is given priority.
- San Francisco Schools Changes Art Department Name Because Acronyms are Racist
- San Francisco Teacher: Bernie’s Mittens Oozed ‘White Privilege, Male Privilege, and Class Privilege’
This is such an obvious sham.
- The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble
- Zombie Post about Zombie Impeachment Trial
- Trump attorney responds to Democrat demand that Trump testify during second impeachment trial
Not all heroes wear capes.
Why was this even considered?
Can you imagine if Trump did this?
Check it out!
Compare and contrast.
- Progressive Los Angeles DA Supports Parole for Manson Family Murderer
- Report: 2020 Homicide Rate So High There is ‘No Modern Precedent’
Is this finally over?
- #NY22 – Dem Incumbent Trying to Prevent Final County Certification Since He’s Down 121 votes
- #NY22: Republican Claudia Tenney Ousts Brindisi Leaving Democrats Just a Five Seat Majority
She’s such an actress.
What could go wrong?
World news.
- India: Pro-Iranian Terrorist Group Takes Responsibility for Friday’s Israel Embassy Blast
- China, Russia Demand Biden Administration’s ‘Unconditional’ Re-entry to Iran Nuclear Deal
- Israeli TV Reports: Iranian Agents Caught Scouting Israeli, U.S. Embassies in East Africa for Terrorist Attacks
Branco cartoons!
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