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July 2019

As I sipped my coffee and read about today's upcoming "Salute to America" celebration in Washington, D.C., I felt the distinctive vibrations of a significant earthquake somewhere in Southern California. I chuckled a little, as the seismic activity on this particular day seemed appropriate given the fact our politicians have made the Golden State the epicenter of the #Resist movement. It was the most massive quake to hit the region in 20 years.

Israeli security services have arrested a Hamas bomb-maker who entered the country on humanitarian grounds for medical treatment. Israel's domestic security agency the Shin Bet caught the 35-year-old explosives expert, Fadi Abu al-Sabah, who was in possession of forged medical documents claiming he couldn't receive proper treatment in Hamas-held Gaza.

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-VT) polling numbers have declined for months. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been the primary beneficiary of his falling numbers, in part, by aggressively appealing to the same radical base that Sanders has been trying to win over. But the results from a fresh round of polls that came out after last week's debate indicate Sanders's issues go way beyond Warren.