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July 2018

Chief Justice Roberts famously wrote that “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” That simple and correct formulation exposes how racial discrimination in the name of anti-racial discrimination perpetuates the problem. It's a problem inherent in affirmative action based on race, which, whatever the goals, is a form of racial discrimination.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is clutching her pearls about the court's decision freeing non-union employees from paying union dues, worried about "weaponizing the First Amendment." Meanwhile, in the #Resistance capital of the nation, the politicians are proposing legislation that is essentially a weapon at the heart of the First Amendment's free speech protections.

It's happening again. Once every year or so a mainstream reporter captures how Hollywood conservatives are treated like second-class citizens. And that’s being kind. It’s the new Blacklist, albeit one liberal stars appear happy to ignore.

For the last few weeks, George Washington's Mount Vernon and Dominion Energy have been engaged in a nasty and very public PR battle over Dominions plans to build a compressor station just across the river from the first president's home. Mount Vernon launched a surprisingly aggressive (aggressive for a historical site) campaign to fight Dominion Energy's development plans.

The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak continues to do a great job with the story about Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz's former IT aide Irwan Awan and his family. The publication received a memo dated February 3, 2017, from Congress's top cop Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving to the Committee on House Administration (CHA). Irving and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Phil Kiko wrote that the House Democratic Caucus's server disappeared after it became evidence in the cybersecurity probe against Awan. The two men "concluded that the employees [Democratic systems administrator Imran Awan and his family] are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems and thereby members’ capacity to serve constituents.”

Neil Gorsuch was an incredibly safe pick for Trump. Despite the plaintive wails of Democrats about a "stolen" seat, they didn't have much with which to go after Gorsuch on the merits. Nonetheless Democrats filibustered Gorsuch, forcing Republican's to play the nuclear option for a SCOTUS nominee (as Democrats did in 2013 for all lower courts and made clear they would do if Hillary won and they regained the Senate).

Research from Avalere Health, a healthcare consulting firm, shows that more insurance companies are adding Obamacare as an option, but in many cases, that's going to mean higher premiums for some. From the report:
These findings are based on an Avalere analysis of the complete 2019 individual market proposed rate filings released publicly by 10 states and DC. “Insurers are starting to gain a better understanding of who is likely to buy their health insurance through the exchanges, but questions about the stability of the market remain,” said Matt Brow, president of Avalere. “This uncertainty is likely to contribute to substantial increases in exchange premiums across many states in 2019.”