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July 2018

Democrat Senate Candidate Rep. Beto O'Rourke might be a hit among the Lone Star State's recent liberal transplants, but jumping a plane to L.A. for a Hollywood fundraising gig is not a good look. And yet... Monday, Variety reported that Rep. O'Rourke was in L.A. "at the home of actress Nancy Stephens and director-producer Rick Rosenthal for an evening reception."

Yesterday I blogged on the latest Axios poll on a few Senate races, which show that the Democrats face losing seats in the chamber. The opposite has happened in House races as The Cook Political Report changed ratings in 10 races and seven of those moves favor the Democrats. The publication's monthly review also revealed that Democrats have a slight edge to win the 23 states they need to take over the House.

The world is ending, Armageddon is nigh, and it's all because Judge Kavanaugh was nominated to take Justice Kennedy's place on the Supreme Court. Progressives are actively exploiting civics ignorance to raise money oppose Kavanaugh's nomination. In almost every instance where abortion and Roe v. Wade are mentioned, it's supposed that Kavanaugh HIMSELF will overturn Roe and all the poor women will die in back-alley abortions.

Jacky Rosen hopes to unseat Sen. Dean Heller, the only Republican incumbent in a state failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won. Rosen has a three-point lead over Heller and the DNC has poured a lot of money into her campaign. Rosen has bragged about building a small business in Nevada. The Reno Gazette Journal and Daily Caller both reviewed public records and found no evidence that Rosen's software consulting business actually existed.

President Donald Trump questioned Germany's growing dependency on Russian energy supplies and described Berlin as a "captive" of Russia. "They pay billions of dollars to Russia and we have to defend them against Russia," President Trump said. He also criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel's continued refusal to spend enough on Europe's security. The remarks were made today during a meeting with the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg. Trump is in Brussels to attend the two-day NATO summit.

In December 2017, investigative reporter Josh Meyer broke a story in Politico Magazine which exposed how the Obama administration allowed Hezbollah to run drugs, including into the U.S., for fear that a crackdown would upset Iran during the nuke deal negotiations. We covered that report in Obama allowed Hezbollah cocaine running into U.S. in quest for Iran nuke deal:

The GOP has a one-seat majority in the Senate, which would make one think the Democrats have a real shot at claiming the majority in the upcoming midterm elections. But, the latest poll from Axios/SurveyMonkey shows a Senate Democrat majority is not likely. Axios' numbers have two Democrats winning in red states, but three Democrat incumbent Senators in danger of losing.