Running Into Resistance Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

Elizabeth Warren says she’s not running in 2020 but she doth protest too much.
- Trump branding of Elizabeth Warren as Fake Indian continues, expecting her to run in 2020
- Liz Warren Claims She’s Not Running for President in 2020 but…
Trump is still charging forward.
- Trump aims to clean up scandal-ridden VA
- Poll Shows Trump Winning the Media War
- Trump Turns to Federal Overreach in Education
Our ridiculous media.
- CNN Mocks Trump as “Captain Obvious,” Morning Joe wonders if his “meds have changed”
- 7.5 Billion People and NBC Can’t Find One to Say Something Good about Trump
- Mika Mimes Trump’s Border Wall
“The Resistance.”
- Leftists Protest Trump by Invading Heritage Foundation Office
- Threats of Violence Shut Down Portland’s Avenue of Roses Parade
- Wendy Davis is Raising Money to Train students to “storm the Texas Capitol”
World news.
- Austrian President Tells “Every Woman” to Wear Hijab to Fight “Islamophobia”
- Wild Boars Killed ISIS Terrorists as They Prepared an Attack
- France Election: EU, Merkel Government Openly Back Macron Ahead of May Runoff
Branco cartoons!

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Run Lizzie, Run!
But I have to ask, why the ax in your hand?
It’s a tomahawk – and a dull one, too.
— Excuse me: it’s dull AND fake.
Lizzy Warren took an ax
Repaid the Russians 40 hacks
When she saw what she had done
She gave the Republic 41