Poll Shows Trump Winning the Media War
Disgust in the mainstream media remains high.
The Washington Post and ABC ran a poll that asked people about the information that comes from President Donald Trump and the media. Unfortunately for the media, the poll shows how little trust the public has in the media. From WaPo:
The media says President Trump makes claims that aren’t true. Trump says the media produces fake news. And in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, at least half of Americans say both Trump and the media “regularly” disseminate false information.
Nobody looks good in this survey.
Asked whether they “think the Trump administration regularly makes false claims,” 59 percent of respondents say yes, while 35 percent say no. The media scores only slightly better on a similar question: “Do you think mainstream news organizations regularly produce false stories?” Fifty-two percent say yes, and 44 percent say no.
While Callum Borchers says no one looks good in the survey he pointed out something important:
In any case, false claims are not necessarily a hindrance for Trump. In one of the poll’s most interesting findings, 1 in 6 Trump voters agree that the president regularly makes false claims — yet cast a ballot for him anyway. And 94 percent of the president’s voters approve of his job performance.
Is anyone shocked? After the disgusting love fest between the media and former President Barack Obama and Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, how can anyone take seriously any reports from journalists?
WaPo Puts a Leftist Twist on the Poll
Greg Sargent, author of the publication’s The Plum Line, decided to put a leftist twist on the poll by playing victim to Trump’s war on the media. Goodness, why doesn’t anyone believe the mainstream media?!
Sargent insists that the poll proves that “Trump’s lies are working brilliantly.” After all, WaPo’s fact-checking team has found “more than 400 false or misleading statements as of Day 91 of his presidency.”
The Sargent complains that it appears the intense “critical media scrutiny of him and his administration also is a sign that he’s doing something right – that he’s on their side, and the news media is the enemy.”
Duh. That’s where Sargent buries the other part of the poll: the public does not trust the media. When the media blows everything out of proportion (remember how big of a deal it was when a photo showed that Trump uses tape on his ties?) how can people trust the outlets?
Back in November, a few weeks after Trump’s victory, The New York Times public editor Liz Spayd told her fellow journalists to drop the bias. Her office received “five times the normal level” of complaints. Even those on the left complained to Spayd:
Few could deny that if Trump’s more moderate supporters are feeling bruised right now, the blame lies partly with their candidate and his penchant for inflammatory rhetoric. But the media is at fault too, for turning his remarks into a grim caricature that it applied to those who backed him. What struck me is how many liberal voters I spoke with felt so, too. They were Clinton backers, but, they want a news source that fairly covers people across the spectrum.
WHAT struck me most as I spoke with readers is how much, to a person, they had something to say that was smart and reasonable. They weren’t randomly selected — I chose them from an inbox of complaints — but they had reactions that were well worth hearing. I found myself wishing someone from the newsroom was on the line with me, especially to hear how many of the more liberal voters wanted more balanced coverage. Not an echo chamber of liberal intellectualism, but an honest reflection of reality.
It appears the media has not learned its lesson from Obama or the campaign.
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The media says President Trump makes claims that aren’t true. Trump says the media produces fake news. And in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, at least half of Americans say both Trump and the media “regularly” disseminate false
Nobody looks good in this survey.
Asked whether they “think the Trump administration regularly makes false claims,” 59 percent of respondents say yes, while 35 percent say no. The media scores only slightly better on a similar question: “Do you think mainstream news organizations regularly produce false stories?” Fifty-two percent say yes, and 44 percent say no.
Yeh, no, Mary.
T=rump polls LESS truthful than the media.
Which is really sucky. And true.
One thing in Jug-ears’ favour I doubt President Trump will be able to add 7 states like whatshisname did.
Your best retort is to compare Der Donald to Barracula…???
Oh, lookie here. Ratspear actually came up with a change from his/her usual moronic T-Rump.Don’t make me have to call Mark to smack you down again..Looking forward to 8 years of y’all in opposition. Bye now!
You are awesome! Thanks.
Oh, and same question; WHAT IS YOUR “TEAM”, Nimrod.
The chickenshit who voted PRESENT on Nov 8 now demands a team? Spare me! Where was yours when it mattered? You offered no option when the vote was cast. You claimed an equivalence between candidates that didn’t exist. He’s better than she would have been, so there was a choice. You didn’t have the guts to make it. You didn’t get in the game, but you sure do Monday morning quarterback it.
Your rants are just fake outrage from a shameless coward and bully.
That last sentence cracked me up. As if there’s any intellectualism in liberaland….
Not an echo chamber of liberal intellectualism, but an honest reflection of reality.
One can dream, right?!
That’s actually an interesting phrase. I don’t believe I’ve ever before heard a liberal admit the possibility that liberal intellectual fantasy might not reflect objective reality in all details.
A poll from Washington Post, might as well have rags produce one .
…and yet, that’s what Mary used.
IFFFFFFF I were ever to produce a poll, it would be something you could take to the bank, moron.
I’m actually shocked that WaPo even published the results of the poll!
Apples and oranges.
The press has no function if it can’t spread “news” which is believed.
Not so for a President. As we saw with The Won, the President is still the President even if everybody knows he’s lying.
Exactly. The press is there to weed out the lies and keep us properly informed. I worry more about a lying press than a lying politician.
Politicians have been lying for a long time. It is practically a tradition. One can say some of the media has lied (though in some cases they were just mistaken), but now it appears that none of them are even trying for the objective truth.
You can always tell when a politician is lying; their lips move.
And Obama very condescendingly answers that to deal with frustration on the job…..’for starters, don’t have a twitter account.’ O — GFY.
MSM= Fake News
You get an “A” in spelling.
How do you spell fake news? MSM!
“(remember how big of a deal it was when a photo showed that Trump uses tape on his ties?)”
Wow. I missed that.
I never wear ties anymore — but the teenage me who wore a tie every Sunday wishes he’d known that trick.
“Asked whether they “think the Trump administration regularly makes false claims,…”
Does anyone recall the media asking that same question about the Obama administration? Me neither.
Of course, with the broadcast and the print media so wholly in the tank for Obama, they regarded everything that Obama said as holy writ – and you don’t question your god! Only when conservative bloggers shamed them would they acknowledge that maybe there was perhaps a wee bit of inflated truths that could be found among the Obama administration pronouncements.