Legal Insurrection | news and politics | week in review
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Fight for the Future Week at Legal Insurrection

Fight for the Future Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you might have missed.

Do Democrats still think they’re the party of the future?

Republicans are battling each other but look more vibrant.

The GOP field is narrowing…

And should narrow further.

Democrats have bigger problems.

And finally, cartoons!


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By Trevor Loudon

A lot of good people, including many friends of mine, have signed up to support Donald Trump for POTUS. That was understandable when Trump was saying great things about illegal immigration and the media was telling us Ted Cruz couldn’t win.

Now its very clear that Cruz can, and most probably will win, and Donald Trump has revealed himself as more “progressive” than principled.

In my view, restoring the US Constitution would solve the bulk of America’s social, economic and political problems in one fell swoop.

Ted Cruz memorized the entire Constitution at age 14. He has fought several important court battles to preserve it. Senator Cruz lives, eats and breathes the Constitution.

How many times have you ever heard Donald Trump even mention it?”

There’s more. Read the whole thing.