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April 2012

This blog has often highlighted the pervasive anti-Israel sentiments present in the higher education system of this country. Last month, Cornell Professor of Physics, Yuval Grossman, wrote a guest post here regarding a pro-Palestinian Cornell student group attempting to orchestrate a boycott against a Technion-Cornell collaborative...

Coverage emerged yesterday of a recent conference held by Al Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) in Washington, DC. Among the breakout sessions, one entitled "The Church: Becoming Spiritually Fed and Feeding the Hungry" appears to have been especially ineptly titled given the actual content conveyed: The...

Dick Lugar has the reputation, deserved or not, of being the gentleman of the Senate, a now-grandfatherly figure who is well-liked personally if not politically. Lugar now is in the political fight of his life against Richard Mourdock.  Lugar is fighting back, as I pointed out previously,...

Considering some of the bumper stickers on this car, I wonder what the owner considers negativity. One person's positivity is another person's negativity, I guess. Spotted in Ithaca not too far from my house: ...

McMillan International and its affiliates, based in Arizona, manufacture a variety of rifles and accessories, including highly regarding sniper rifles. A reader called to my attention a Facebook post by McMillan alleging that Bank of America terminated its lending relationship for political reasons based on McMillan's involvement...

CNN columnist LZ Granderson demanded an arrest: Ted Nugent should be arrested. Not because he doesn't like Barack Obama but because he got up in front of a group of people and insinuated he would attempt to assassinate Obama if he's re-elected. Or let's put it this...

The merger of the absurd and the surreal, or something like that. Tweet of the Day: For an ongoing display of both the absurd and the surreal, sometimes merged sometimes not, visit #StopRush. Related updates:  Angie's List apparently still is holding out against the boycott, as is 1-800-Flowers, which...

My wife and I were talking about him not long ago.  For each of us, his disappearance left an indelible mark.  Whenever there was a report of a missing child, we inevitably said, I wonder what happened to Etan Patz. video platform video management video solutions video...

It always has been a two front political war. Here's the other front, Tim Carney at The Washington Examiner, K Street and Tea Party again fight for soul of GOP: Big business and the Tea Party are at swords' points once again, with GOP Senate primaries for...

UN monitors flee protest when Assad forces open fire: Syrian security forces opened fire Wednesday on anti-regime demonstrators surrounding the cars of a UN team meant to monitor a shaky cease-fire, sending the observers speeding off and protesters dashing for cover, according to activists and amateur...

With friends like this, those who want to defeat Obama don't need enemies. Having savaged Newt Gingrich for months, S.E. Cupp now is coming to the aid of Ann Romney by praising Ann for "marrying up": As a thirtysomething, city-dwelling, hypereducated, independent-thinking  woman, I suppose I should...

The Indiana Republican primary is moving against Richard Lugar, and now his campaign and SuperPAC are getting desperate, running false ads against Richard Mourdock claiming Mourdock cheated on taxes. Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller explored the falsehood yesterday: In what appears a pathetic last gasp at...

for free. Because taking your stuff is a basic human right.  And they know their rights. From reader Tacitus2: Greetings from Wisconsin, land of the permanent election cycle. Spring is here and I have been seeing more bumper stickers than usual. I append one I had not encountered before. What...

I'd rather sit in the dark. That's my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image of the Day,...

Dick Clark passed away this morning in Los Angeles. For those of us of a certain age, he was MTV before there was MTV (and when MTV actually played music). ...

I check in every now and then with the efforts of the Limbaugh boycott movement at the Twitter hashtag #stoprush. I noticed over the past few days a lot of chatter and anger directed at @AngiesList, as well as at new local advertisers on the Limbaugh show...

This is just a poll of delegates who will vote on April 21 at the Utah Republican nominating convention, not an actual vote, but if true, it would be an earthquake in UT-04:In Utah's newly formed 4th district, things are considerably tight, according to the...