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social security Tag

The AARP has started airing a series of ads meant to cause concern about the future of Social Security. It's odd for them to show so much concern after pushing the financial disaster known as Obamacare. The Huffington Post is angry about the advocacy group's use of "conservative scare tactics." From their report:
Nation’s Largest Seniors Group Is Using Conservative Scare Tactics On Social Security Television viewers across the country have been treated to some scary advertisements about the future of Social Security. “Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year,” the narrator intones, as ominous music plays in the background.

The debt in question wasn't incurred by the woman, it was another member of her family and it was the result of an overpayment. The blame lays with the Social Security administration. Marc Fisher of the Washington Post reported this week...

A.F. Branco produced this cartoon last April for CDN, but it is amazingly appropriate right now. Democrats, not Paul Ryan, throw granny over the cliff by failing to act like adults in saving Medicare and Social Security. It's a fact just now being told in the media, and it is...

All the news is focused on whether the House Republicans will cave and go along with the unworkable and illogical Senate two-month extension of the social security "tax holiday." That is how stupid politics has become, both Democrats and Senate Republicans are lashing out at House...

I've been spitting into the wind on this issue since days before the 2008 election. Rather than strengthening social security as a pay-in retirement protection program, Obama consistently has sought to destroy social security as we know it by treating FICA payments as just another tax...

Warren Buffett has an op-ed in The NY Times bemoaning the fact that he and other super-wealthy investors pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than their secretaries and other lower-paid staff members.  This is an argument frequently heard from Democrats. But in making...

Politico recently reported that Obama's campaign strategy was to attack and take down Mitt Romney with class warfare and attacks on Romney's integrity. Sure enough, Romney was heckled in Iowa in what obviously was a set up by people trying to create sound bites about Social...

I am amazed, once again, that liberals are not screaming at the tops of their lungs about Obama's proposal to extend the social security tax holiday for another year. I noted in October 2008, January 2009, and again in December 2010, that Obama seeks to end...

One of the interesting aspects of the "framework" announced by Obama to prevent marginal income tax increases on anyone is that part of the quid pro quo demanded by Obama was a one-year 2% drop in the portion of social security (FICA) taxes paid by...

That's not the literal name of the tour, but it is a fair characterization of the "Fighting for Social Security" tour of senior citizen centers launched last week by Democratic congressional candidate David Cicilline.Cicilline, the current Mayor of Providence, is running in the 1st District of Rhode Island, for...

Alan Simpson, unlike Bob Etheridge, stayed and answered questions during a hostile ambush interview, and gave the questioner, Alex Lawson of Social Security Works (filming for Firedoglake's "live stream") an earful about the fallacies behind left-wing attacks on reforming Social Security and lowering the deficit.Lawson...

Professor Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame but writing for Forbes, focuses on changing the way we view and treat "old" age as one of the keys to solving the social security problem:But even much more modest progress--extending healthy middle age from 60 to, say, 80--would...

It appears that Barack Obama intends on following through with his campaign promise to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of payroll...

Barack Obama has put forth a plan to issue refundable income tax credits so that people who pay no income taxes will get “refund” checks from the federal government. Obama justifies these payments as being a refund of “regressive” payroll taxes. At the same time,...