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Rush Limbaugh Tag

On May 1, Carbonite will release its 1st Q 2012 results after the close of the markets, and will host an investor conference call. At that time, we may get the first glimpse into whether and to what extent Carbonite's famous March 3, Saturday night jettison of...

The merger of the absurd and the surreal, or something like that. Tweet of the Day: For an ongoing display of both the absurd and the surreal, sometimes merged sometimes not, visit #StopRush. Related updates:  Angie's List apparently still is holding out against the boycott, as is 1-800-Flowers, which...

I check in every now and then with the efforts of the Limbaugh boycott movement at the Twitter hashtag #stoprush. I noticed over the past few days a lot of chatter and anger directed at @AngiesList, as well as at new local advertisers on the Limbaugh show...

I have posted before how Cumulus Broadcasting, cheered on by Rush boycotters, is setting up Mike Huckabee to challenge Rush. Jeffrey Lord has the story how Huckabee Show Opens With Staged Caller: Wow. As we often say here: you just can't make it up. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took...

Carbonite has been flying below the radar the past few weeks, as companies like Arby's have incurred the wrath of conservatives for pandering to the Media Matters inspired and coordinated attempt to drive Rush Limbaugh from the airwaves. Carbonite was the most visible and self-righteous of the advertisers...

There has been a lot of attention paid to Arby's announcement that it no longer would advertise on the Limbaugh show. It was particularly interesting because Arby's did not advertise to begin with, so it purely was a political statement, and was the subject of a...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation's fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is that pro-choice...

Earlier this month Media Matters launched its most ferocious boycott effort ever to force Rush Limbaugh off the air by intimidating advertisers. It always was a charade, as documented here many times.  Media Matters coordinated with "independent" groups to make it appear that there was a...

Kohler, based in Wisconsin, has joined the Rush Limbaugh boycott, according to tweets it sent out yesterday from its Twitter account, @Kohler: It is not clear that Kohler actually ever advertised on the Limbaugh show, almost certainly not nationally.  This may be another of the pre-emptive...

This analysis by Topsy Analytics show the volume of tweets using the two most popular hasttags for the various boycott Rush groups, #StopRush and #BoycottRush. What it shows is that activity peaked from Friday, March 2 - Monday, March 5. There still is activity, but nothing...

Just as Bill Maher was pleading for an "amnesty" in the political correctness war to silence speech, Media Matters was committing $100,000 to an advertising campaign urging people to call local radio stations to complain about Limbaugh.  Via AP: The liberal Media Matters for America is...

I have been covering political boycotts frequently since the inception of this blog, including the Prop 8 boycotts, the Mormon Boycott, the DNC boycott, the Beck boycott, the King & Spalding boycott, boycotts of various states for various reasons, the anti-Israel boycotts, and so on. So when...

The reason I have pushed back against the Rush boycotters has nothing to do with Rush.  Social media anonymity has allowed all sorts of implied and explicit threats against advertisers and others as a means of shutting down speech, particularly conservative speech. Twitter is just one part...

I was glad to appear again last night as a guest of Kevin Whalen on Pundit Review Radio on WRKO Boston: On Boston’s Talk Station WRKO since 2005, Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week we give voice to the work...

As posted yesterday, the people still pushing the Limbaugh advertising boycott rely on bombarding advertisers with Twitter messages, and have developed strategies to maximize the apparent number of tweets sent to advertisers, through retweets and multiple tweets by single users. It is not hard to see...