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Campus Sexual Assault Tag

I've been circling back on some campus cases we covered previously that dropped off the radar after an initial flurry of legal proceedings on which we reported. One of those cases involves "John Doe No. 2" - a male student accused of "sexual misconduct" who sued Oberlin College to avoid having to go through a campus disciplinary system allegedly biased against males.

Gibson's Bakery v. Oberlin College has received enormous media attention, and even *a few* posts here. Another Oberlin College case we have followed involved an expelled Oberlin College male student (we'll call him "John Doe No. 1") who alleged that the Oberlin College sexual assault hearing process was so rigged against men that it had a 100% conviction rate for cases that went to hearing, at least during the period of time relevant to that case. Now there is another lawsuit by a different student raising similar issues of an allegedly biased campus process.

John Doe v. Oberlin College is a case we have covered for almost two years. While it doesn't get the media coverage of Gibson's Bakery v. Oberlin College, it's every bit as important, addressing alleged systemic abuses at Oberlin College in its treatment of male students. By way of background, we first covered the case on December 26, 2017, Lawsuit: Oberlin College sexual assault hearing process rigged, 100% conviction rate: