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Violence of the Resistance Week at Legal Insurrection

Violence of the Resistance Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

It’s time for Democrats and the media to face facts. A member of their ‘resistance” tried to kill elected Republican officials this week.

It’s been less than a week and they’re already forgetting it.

This was also ignored.

And now back to the media’s preferred narrative.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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I wasnt shocked some democrat went off the rails … Most of them seem to be just one quivering nerve away from insanity anyway besides this isnt even close to first time a democrat or democrats have resorted to violence because they lost an election … Perhaps best example is civil war …600,000+ plus dead and the very first Republican president … Because they lost election …* SHRUG *

This moron was a ‘home inspector,’ who lost his license for incompetence.

Sounds just like a democrat. And the obamas:

Why Barack And Michelle Obama Lost Their Law Licenses:

(Obama surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application; his fake wife “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993 after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud.)