Love it — my only suggestion would be to add buttons reading “Fight Fascism,” “Tolerance” and a “Peace” symbol to the man’s shirt, to fully emphasize the underlying hypocrisy and misguided, self-perceived “righteousness” of these twits.
It was politically expedient to do so. Less than 24 hours later – much less – she was back on her broom spewing the usual bile. And she never admitted the shooter was encouraged by the rhetoric of the Loony Left.
The vitally important thing right now is that our side understands what the real rules are, and operates under them too. Situational awareness at all times, and be ready to defend yourself and others. The new phrase that everybody needs to understand is “Radical Democrat Terrorist”. There are no longer any moderate Democrats.
Nailed it, Branco. This should be featured in every Republican’s campaign for the 2018 midterms.
Love it — my only suggestion would be to add buttons reading “Fight Fascism,” “Tolerance” and a “Peace” symbol to the man’s shirt, to fully emphasize the underlying hypocrisy and misguided, self-perceived “righteousness” of these twits.
There is no way in hell Pelosi would be calling for unity right now if the shooter had targeted Democrats
It was politically expedient to do so. Less than 24 hours later – much less – she was back on her broom spewing the usual bile. And she never admitted the shooter was encouraged by the rhetoric of the Loony Left.
The vitally important thing right now is that our side understands what the real rules are, and operates under them too. Situational awareness at all times, and be ready to defend yourself and others. The new phrase that everybody needs to understand is “Radical Democrat Terrorist”. There are no longer any moderate Democrats.