Dissent is Patriotic Again Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.
Have you heard that resisting the president and his administration is suddenly cool again?
- College Democrats at George Washington U. Plan Resistance to Trump
- Harvard Students and Alumni Will Join Anti-Trump Women’s March on Washington
- University of Maryland Promotes Anti-Trump Lecture Series
There are consequences for not playing along.
All leftism, all the time.
- Brown University Prof Smears Red States as Anti-Democracy
- U. Central Florida Hosts ‘Social Justice Week’
- London Students Demand University Drop White Philosophers Like Plato, Kant
Gender studies…
- College Students Demand Free Tampons
- Berkeley Student Accused of Stabbing Referred to as ‘They’ in Media Report
Taxpayers. Next question.
Why does the left fear him so much?
Some things never change.
Good luck with that.
Sounds like fun.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Corrupt hypocrites.
And they should be treated as such.