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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

Fox Business reported that 1.48 million Americans filed unemployment claims last week:
Another 1.48 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, signaling a slow economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and related lockdown as layoffs remain historically high, even as many businesses have reopened.

In an interview with The Telegraph, an Italian infectious disease doctor said he believes the coronavirus could die out on its own without a vaccine:
Prof Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at the Policlinico San Martino hospital in Italy, told The Telegraph that Covid-19 has been losing its virulence in the last month and patients who would have previously died are now recovering.

One of the frustrating things about the Coronavirus Pandemic has been conflicting information. In the case of face masks, many people have noted that you're now required to wear face masks to enter places like stores, but months ago we were told not to bother with masks. Now we know why.