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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

Americans are dying, losing their family members and friends, and facing economic ruin. Trump-obsessed Democrats see nothing but a new opening to investigate Trump. This is all they care about. This is all they will ever care about. Democrats clearly have no idea what kind of anger this could unleash.

I was interviewed by a major media outlet today about my take on media coverage of Trump's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Let's see if any of it runs. One point I made is that it is clear that the major media (NYT, WaP0 and the networks other than Fox) frame their coverage and questions so at to seek soundbites that can be used against Trump. It's always a set up, and Trump doesn't fall for it and pushes back, and then we have a dust up.

The Kennedy Center decided to lay off staffers and not pay the musicians after April 3rd despite receiving $25 million in the Wuhan coronavirus bill. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise came out in support of a bill to take back the money while slamming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over her pet projects.