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US Senate Tag

Congress will vote Monday night on a COVID-19 relief bill worth $900 billion along with a $1.4 trillion spending bill to cover the remainder of the 2021 Fiscal Year. The Democrats wanted a $2.2 trillion COVID-19 relief bill before the election, but Republicans offered $900 billion. The left only agreed to that amount after their guy won the presidential election.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey faced another round of questioning in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. A few moments stuck out to me: Sen. Da Nang Dick Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) told Zuckerberg to ban Steve Bannon and Dorsey admitted it was a mistake for the platform to ban The New York Post's story on Hunter Biden's laptop.

With the Senate majority hanging in the balance, the two Georgia Senate runoffs in January of great interest to both the left and the right.  As Mike wrote last week, Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Democrat candidate running against Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, spent years defending Obama's anti-Semitic, anti-American pastor Jeremiah 'God d**m America' Wright.

I am still digesting the "news" that deep red Georgia suddenly turned blue for Joe Biden, after rejecting Obama who had genuine momentum and enthusiasm in '08—not to mention the historic nature of being the first black president—and after voting for smarmy Mittens McRomneyCare over Obama in 2012.  President Trump, of course, won the state in 2016.

As of this writing, President Trump has 2,732,084 votes to Joe Biden’s 2,655,383 in the North Carolina presidential race. That’s a difference of 76,701 votes. In the NC Senate race, Republican Sen. Thom Tillis has 2,640,379 votes to his Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham’s 2,543,672, with the difference between them being 96,707 votes.