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US House Tag

Pennsylvania's 12th District elected state Rep. Fred Keller (R) to finish Rep. Tom Marino's (R) term. He stepped down in January. The district has a sizeable Republican population so the result should not shock anyone. However, the large margin of defeat may show a bright 2020 for Republicans.

Back in 2012, the Republican controlled House of Representatives filed a civil suit after the Department of Justice under then-Attorney General Eric Holder refused to hand over documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. President Barack Obama invoked executive privilege over the documents. Operation Fast and Furious allowed 2000 weapons, monitored by the ATF, to land in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. A cartel member used one of these guns to kill Border Patrol Brian Terry in December 2010. Another gun-running scheme led to the death of ICE Agent Jaime Zapata. Now as the Democrat controlled House fights for the unredacted report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in which President Donald Trump invoked executive privilege, we received word the two sides settled their 2012 lawsuit.

That didn't take long! At his press conference, one reporter asked Attorney General William Barr if he would allow Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify in front of Congress. Mueller is still an employee with the Department of Justice. Barr said he has no objections. Almost immediately, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler tweeted out a letter to Mueller.

Attorney General William Barr began his testimony this morning in front of the House appropriations committee to discuss the Justice Department's budget and priorities, but Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report has come up. Barr told the members he asked Mueller if he wanted to review the four page summary, but declined. He also promised a redacted version within a week.

House Republicans attempted to add pro-Israel and anti-BDS language into an unrelated resolution on Thursday. The resolution "aimed to end U.S. participation in Yemen’s civil war," which has caused a humanitarian crisis, "where Iran-backed Houthi rebels have sought to overthrow the country’s government, prompting a Saudi bombing campaign that has lasted nearly four years." It passed 247 to 175, but the pro-Israel amendment failed to make it in with a vote of 228-194.

We all know Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants control back of her party since Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Ilhan Omar (MN) have shown they have no problem rebelling against the establishment. Pelosi decided to splash them and others with a dose of reality when it comes to impeaching President Donald Trump: Stop.

The left has an historical ability to appeal to the young. Given that polls and studies show that the majority of people outgrow their wide-eyed, ill-conceived leftist idealism, the left is ramping up its attempts to sell its shiny, empty promises to our nation's youth. In keeping with their decades-long attempts to shore up a permanent Democrat majority, the House voted Thursday on a measure to lower the voting age to 16.