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Unions Tag

You know about the RI pension mess, because I've been pounding that issue pretty much since the founding of this blog three years ago. The New York Times takes a devastating look at Rhode Island, The Little State With a Big Mess (h/t @amandacarpenter): ON the night of...

The mother of all recall battles is set to launch on November 15, when the 60 day clock starts for Wisconsin Democrats to obtain over 540,206 signatures on recall petitions against Governor Scott Walker. If suffiicient signatures are obtained (and I assume they will), the recall election...

is pretty well set out in this article in The Providence Journal about intimidation of legislators who are considering reforms needed to save Rhode Island from fiscal collapse (see my post yesterday for background): Philip Keefe, the president of the second-largest state employees union, the R.I....

I know you know about Rhode Island's public sector employee pension problem, because I've posted about it so many times. But take a look at this chart which shows how household contributions to public sector pensions (state employees and teachers) is expected to climb to just over...

My guess is that none of these dancers has ever been a "working people."  (h/t @jpodhoretz) I would not be surprised to see this troupe at an Aroma Cafe soon.  Hurry up kiddies, rehearsals have started already....

If you want a good measure of how deeply the collective bargaining bill in Wisconsin has disrupted public sector unions, there is no better example than the Wisconsins Education Association Council (WEAC). Last month WEAC announced that it was laying off 40% of its staff.  With...

You know all about Rhode Island's pension and other fiscal problems stemming from an out-of-control public sector which made promises which could be kept only under the most rosy of scenarios, in a state almost completely controlled by unions: Is Rhode Island Our Future Under Obama? High...

I don't have much time to "analyze" Palin's speech in Indianola (text here), Iowa and what it all means in terms of the political landscape. But what jumped out at me is that she expressed one of the core principles of the Tea Party movement, that corporate interests are not...

without waiting for more evidence, arrests, or anything else, because any act of violence requires universal and unflinching comdemnation of everyone reading the same publications as, or sharing general political beliefs similar to, the person or persons who shot at and vandalized the home of a non-union contractor: The Monroe...

One of the usual anti-Scott Walker suspects hanging outside the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison didn't like the fact that Ann Althouse was filming the moonbats tooting their horns, so he decided to try to grab the camera from her, grabbed her as well, and...

Never in the field of human conflict have so many been so disappointed so frequenttly in so short a period of time at so high a cost of money with so few lessons learned.     [Yes, I know the title alludes to one speech and the text...

Recall elections are being held today against six Republican State Senators.  I feel like I've covered Wisconsin so much this year, today is somewhat anti-climactic.  But it's not, it is very important. Unions need to win back three seats to take control of the majority in...

This was what they feared, the day when they would have to convince public sector union members to kick in union dues voluntarily and separate from payroll deduction. While it is too early to say how successfu the unions will be, early signs are that there...

On August 9 the key recall elections against six Republican State Senators will take place. I have not focused enough on this lately, with the all consuming debt ceiling fight taking time.  But Wisconsin is critically important. Before I forget, you can donate to help defend the...

Dear Rahm, Governor Christie has a right to get testy when questioned on his family's decision to send their children to parochial school because he's working to give all children the opportunity to get a great education, be it in a public school or elsewhere. You,...

Unions have collected enough signatures for a statewide referendum on election day 2011 seeking to roll back Ohio's collective bargaining reform bill. As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer: The fate of Senate Bill 5, Ohio's new collective bargaining law, will be in the hands of Ohio...