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Ukraine Tag

Weird how all of this Hunter Biden news is coming out in the mainstream media after the election. NBC News first reported (granted on a Friday night) that an email brings up "fresh questions" about Hunter's tax problems like not reporting $400,000 income from Burisma.

The Democrat/Media/Big Tech axis has decided that it is safe—now that the election is over—to inform the American people about the shady Ukrainian and ChiCom connections and influence-peddling scandal surrounding Hunter Biden and implicating 'the big guy,' then Vice President and now Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.

As further information is released about the content of the infamous Hunter Biden hard drive and the emails—and other damaging data—it contains, the silence thundering from the Biden campaign, Joe Biden, and even Hunter himself is deafening.

The Hunter Biden email scandal is gaining steam despite the best efforts of Big TechMary covered the scandal as it emerged when the New York Post published the bombshell, and now Joe Biden has responded.  In typical Joe Biden fashion, he attacked the reporter asking the question and dismissed the underlying scandal as a "smear."

Last night, Tucker Carlson shared emails obtained exclusively by his show which are allegedly from Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Tucker acknowledged that he has not proved they are from Hunter but emphasized that he believes they are authentic. The emails suggest that Joe Biden used his influence as vice president to benefit his son Hunter, financially.