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accompanying a family member to the hospital, stuck in a waiting room with a big screen TV which blared, in order, Ellen, Nate (whoever he is), and then The View.Two questions.1.  Did I miss anything?2.  Would you rather undergo invasive surgery, or watch, in order,...

Or maybe, The Definitive "They Didn't See It Coming" Tweet; or The Definitive "They Don't Get It" Tweet; or The Definitive "Not Seeing The Forest For The Trees" Tweet.  Any other suggestions?You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows:Update: WaPo becomes...

What kind of person posts a tweet like this?The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story.  There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Feministe: O'Donnell Getting What She Deserves...

From TOTUS:Update:  Hey, TOTUS, enjoy your Historic visit to India!--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

I really hope my high school classmates don't plan to burn any Korans, or my name may be in a headline like this:Rush Limbaugh, Pastor Terry Jones Were High School ClassmatesTerry Jones, the Florida pastor threatening to burn a Koran tomorrow on the anniversary of...

Please bookmark this post and Tweetfor use in the next political emergency, when some criminal act by a nut is used by Media Matters and its progeny to tar and feather the entire Tea Party and conservative movements: (h/t @JammieWF) Update 1-8-2011 - This tweet takes on special significance...

I refuse to be drawn deeper into the Ground Zero Mosque - Obama Is A Secret Muslim threads at Memeorandum.I have much more important things to do.  Like defend the history of corruption in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations against those...

At Reid campaign headquarters, the dozens of mudslinging campaign staffers must feel like the walls are closing in on them.A new Rasmussen poll shows Sharron Angle leading by 2 points if "leaners" are included, and tied without leaners.Reid stuck his foot in his base's mouth...

Rasmussen (h/t HotAir) now shows Sharron Angle tied with Harry Reid:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle tied with 47% of the vote each. Five percent (5%) prefer some...

... not including spaces and superfluous hashtags:-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:The First Twitter ExecutionArkansas Primary Result in 28 CharactersWorst Tweet of The YearFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

Didn't make the Top 25 Conservatives on Twitter.  Or the 100 Conservatives Most Hated By The Left.  Or even the People Minnesota Liberals Hate Most.But thanks to Dan Collins, I have a special place reserved on the Island of Misfit Bloggers.Also known as, A Place...

The world learned that the go-ahead had been given for the execution by firing squad of Ronnie Lee Gardner when the Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff sent out this tweet: Was this the first Death by Twitter?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Arkansas Primary Result in 28 CharactersIsraeli Embassy Tweets...

Not counting spaces: --------------------------------------------Related Posts:Israeli Embassy Tweets About "Hit On #Dubai Target"The First American Twitter RevolutionWorst Tweet of The YearFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Someone at the Israeli Embassy in Britain has a wicked sense of humor.The Embassy sent the following tweet, which has caused the anti-Israel paper, The Guardian, to go somewhat crazy.The tweet seemingly refers to the hit on a Hamas leader in Dubai, carried out allegedly...

In order to justify China's crackdown on free speech on the internet, including banning YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, a Chinese communist newspaper posed this question:The People's Daily editorial asked rhetorically if obscene information or activities promoting terrorism would be allowed on the internet in the...

Talk about dominance of the Internet.Patrick Ruffini has an article in The Washington Post, which relates how Republicans won the internet in the Scott Brown election.I'm shocked.Putting my shock aside, for the moment, there is something else worth noting.As of noon today, the article...

Nothing to worry about in Yemen: Because al-Qaeda is just a joke: Apparently, al-Qaeda doesn't have a Twitter account, so it never got the message.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:About That "Firecracker"Not So Scary Terror?Terrorist Attacks Plane, Think Progress Attacks Pete HoekstraFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The mainstream media finally is waking up to the under-the-radar social media revolution which hid in plain sight in the Massachusetts Senate special election. As reported by the Wall Street Journal:A study [embedded below] conducted by the Emerging Media Research Council out today found that...