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Those of us of a certain age have the memories. I was 10 years old at sleep away camp.  I remember them bringing us into the rec hall to watch on the black and white televisions.  I can't tell you whether it was live or a...

For three bucks, you too can have dinner with Barack Obama.  You may be the winner already! But wait, there's more. You get to pay several hundred dollars in taxes! But call within the next ten minutes and you will get whine with dinner, because Romney is flush with...

No one gets rich on his own. No one. In Obama's case, Tony built it. Romney helped a couple buy house? Big deal, so did Tony Rezko…— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) August 10, 2012 ...

The Romney campaign has started a Twitter rapid response user account @RomneyResponse and associated Tumblr site. Given how Twitter can move an issue in minutes, Team Romney is smart to get more active. John Nolte at has some good advice, much of which centers upon hunting the...

It relates to this story: At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack  Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three  separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission,  according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August...

My post earlier today, Sarah Palin visits Chick-fil-A, civility and new tone ensue on Twitter, has generated a fair bit of attention. The tweets highlighted in the post were not even the worst of them. As has become typical when Palin is attacked from the left, the attacks quickly become mysogynistic, sexualized, and sexist, with the "C" word liberally thrown in by women as well as men. Here are some more samples of the sea of profanity and vitriol, so you realize (which you already do, I know), we are dealing with:

After Sarah and Todd Palin attended a rally for Ted Cruz in Texas yesterday, they stopped by a Chick-fil-A. Palin posted photos on her Facebook page and also sent out tweets about the visit (h/t Charles). Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business....

down under, these tweets were posted. From a blog you should check out, Cattalaxy Files ("Australia's leading libertarian and centre-right blog"), which one of our commenters frequents. Be sure to click on embedded links. On guns: In the unarmed country the man with the illegal weapon rules— CatallaxyFiles (@CatallaxyFiles)...

A CNN political coverage manager tweeting about Dan Rather writing at about journalistic standards. It doesn't get any less interesting than that. Via a MT by Ben Smith: Good read: Dan Rather op-ed on on the campaign quote approval story.— Steve Brusk (@stevebruskCNN) July 19, 2012 ...

It's all a matter of perspective. I had dinner with a group of people last night, and one of the women was pregnant for the first time at age 37.  Her husband commented that he was going to buy the kid a onesie that said "Now...

Via @DrMartyFox: Via Newsbusters: And the laughs continue: Obama Budget chief Jack Lew refuses under intense Chris Wallace grilling to admit Obamacare funding mechanism is a tax. Telling.— Brit Hume (@Kimsfirst) July 1, 2012 ...

Romney's statement: Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies.— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) June 28, 2012 Not taking Congress at its word on penalty is the new judicial restraint #SCOTUSlogic— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) June 28, 2012 SCOTUS to POTUS:...

From friend of the blog, Anne Leary of Backyard Conservative. With gang violence continuing to spiral, and now taking place in the fancy and liberal Lincoln Park section of town, Anne notes: Will Chicago bleeding heart limo libs be mugged by reality?: Gang violence erupts in Lincoln...

Are you on Twitter yet? If not, why not?  We need you. My post, Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me), is a Topsy Top 100 most tweeted post (a/o 8:30 a.m. today, how high can it go?). You can retweet any of the...

@SGLawrence has escaped the #TwitterGulag! Thanks to everyone who sent tweets. Special thanks to Michelle Malkin and her Twitchy team for their help. I've posted a new Broadcast Tweet letting people know to follow @SGLawrence -- send it out and follow her....