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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

I shared Becket Adams' piece on Rep. Nancy Pelosi's comments to the press on Facebook and said that hell froze over because I actually agreed with her on something. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed to write about it. Pelosi told the press:
“I wish the press would spend a lot more time on what we need to do here to meet the needs of the American people instead of morning, noon, and night allegations against the president,” said Pelosi, D-Calif.

NPR posted the type of "scoop" story that has become common among journalists trying to out-do each other in going after all things Trump: "Trump Jr.'s 2017 Testimony Conflicts With Cohen's Account Of Russian Talks." The point of the story, however, was premised on a clear misreading of the transcripts because there is no conflict between the testimonies of Donald Trump, Jr. and Michael Cohen. 

On Wednesday night, a man in Baltimore shouted, "Heil Hitler, Heil Trump" during a production of Fiddler on the Roof. When reports came out, outlets like Mediaite and The New York Post referred to the man as a President Donald Trump supporter. I scoured previous reports and most of them buried this simple fact: The drunk man hates Trump.

Late Thursday afternoon Trump gave a speech and then answered questions from the press about policy regarding the caravan of illegal immigrants headed towards the U.S. I listened to it at the time, and here's the text of his remarks. After hearing the speech, I wasn't surprised by the spin given by this CNN headline about it: "Trump says he will restrict asylum, claims troops will shoot at rock throwers." Oh did he, now?

If you want to change hearts and minds, get naked? A Democrat-supporting group did just that. Supposedly, their bare photo shoot is meant to encourage people to vote against Republicans. It's still not clear what getting naked has to do with voting.

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted out an ad that features Luis Bracamontes and pictures of the migrant caravan in Mexico headed to our border. Trump wrote, "It is outrageous what the Democrats are doing to our Country. Vote Republican!" Bracamontes, a twice-deported Mexican, received the death penalty in 2014 for killing two cops and the video shows him grinning as he says, "I killed f***ing cops." The left and the media has called the ad racist, but is it really?

Only days after a Trump hater massacred dozens of Jews, leftist company Ben & Jerry's has decided to announce they teamed up with the Women's March to promote a resistance themed ice cream flavor. You know, the group led by notorious anti-Semitic Linda Sarsour and others who continue to praise and adore anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan. Ben & Jerry's told the Independent Journal Review they're "comfortable" partnering with the Women's March despite their ties to Louis Farrakhan.