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Trump Administration Tag

Vice President Mike Pence has officially laid out the plan to begin creating a military command dedicated to space, establishing the “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military. If everything goes according to this plan, the Space Force would be in place by 2020, making it the first new branch of the military established since the Air Force was formed shortly after World War II.

The last time we visited the Environmental Protection Agency, its regulation-slaying head Scott Pruitt had resigned over “the unrelenting attacks” on him and his family, which “are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of” them. As I suspected, the left's victory over Pruitt was hollow. Acting EPA Chief Andrew Wheeler has directed the agency to ease Obama-era standards on the disposal of coal ash, a move expected to be the agency’s first revision of the standards.

It looks like you got your wish, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). She told MSNBC that #TheResistance will "harass them [members of the administration] until they decide that they're going to tell the president, 'No, I can't hang with you.'" Professor Jacobson documented the times that members of President Donald Trump's administration has faced harassment just this past week. Now the Department of Homeland Security has issued safety warnings for its staff after someone left a burned animal carcass on one official's front porch.

When I taught high school English, I realized that education is best handled as locally as possible and developed a hatred for the Department of Education. I've often said I would abolish that department immediately if I ever became president. This may be the first step in the right direction. The White House has proposed merging the Department of Education with Labor after officials spent months reviewing different agencies to figure out how to downsize the government.

As we've been covering here at LI, Gina Haspel is President Trump's pick to head the CIA.  She has been blasted for her role in overseeing then-legal and -authorized enhanced interrogation techniques against Islamist terrorists. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) has issued a statement in which he urges the Senate not to confirm Haspel due to her role in enhanced interrogation.  The problem with this, however, is that he voted to confirm John Brennan to the CIA's top spot, knowing full-well Brennan's role in enhanced interrogation.

A familiar pattern plays out when anyone comes to President Trump's defense. They get targeted for destruction. Now that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has joined Trump's legal team to reportedly negotiate an end to the Mueller investigation, he will have a target on his back.

This year's midterms are huge for both parties. A newly-released Fox News poll shows the GOP making gains in their voter preference poll.  If true, this is exceptionally good news not just for the GOP but for the president. Fox News reports:
The latest Fox News poll finds a tightening race when voters are asked their candidate preference in this fall’s congressional election.

President Trump needs to keep both the House and the Senate in order to fulfill even more of his campaign promises and to get more of his agenda passed.  However, things have not been going well for the GOP in special elections since Trump's own election. Recognizing how important Congressional majorities are to his Make America Great Again agenda, President Trump intervened in Nevada, convincing Senator Dean Heller's primary challenger to drop out so that Heller can focus on beating the Democrat without first getting beaten up by his own party's primary candidate.

President Donald Trump's longtime personal assistant John McEntee has left the White House and will join the president's 2020 re-election campaign. The Wall Street Journal reported the White House fired him over security issues. Other reports indicate the firing happened because he is under investigation for serious financial crimes.