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Terrorism Tag

The United States has accused Iran of hiding its chemical weapon-related activities. Tehran was failing to report military facilities designed to manufacture chemical-filled aerial bombs, and maintained stockpiles of toxic munitions, in violation of the 1997 international chemicals weapons convention.

End Note: I'm putting this at the top because it sums up better than anything I've seen the reaction to the shooting from the media and the left. From John Podhoretz at Commentary:
Based on the early evidence, the shooter was not only consumed with a hatred of Jews but possessed a kind of sneering contempt for Trump on the grounds that Trump was basically a Jewish agent or a Jew-lover himself. Trump can only be blamed for the murderous Jew-killing actions of someone who thought of him that way by people who are so consumed by hatred of him that there is nothing they won’t blame him for.

German police are carrying out raids in connection with yesterday's attack at a Cologne central train station. On Monday afternoon, Special Forces stormed the station compound after an Arabic-speaking man, claiming allegiance to the Islamic State, set fire to a 14-year-old girl and took another woman hostage. The attacker tied gas canisters around the hostage and threatened to blow her up, forcing the Special Forces to move in. The suspect, identified as a Syrian asylum seeker, sustained several gunshot wounds during the rescue operation.

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the 911 attack on this nation, which hit New York's iconic World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a farm field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The heroes of United Airlines flight 93, who brought down the plane before it could return to Washington D.C. and slam into the White House, are being honored with an innovative memorial.
In a field amid the rolling hills of central Pennsylvania stands the "Tower of Voices." Ninety-three-feet tall, it honors the heroes of Flight 93.

Against the wishes of the Taos County sheriff, undersheriff, prosecutors and the FBI, Judge Sarah Backus ordered all five suspects arrested in the raid of the New Mexico compound, released. Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 37, and Subhannah Wahhaj, 35 were arrested on child abuse charges. The eleven children in the compound were taken into state custody. All were substantially malnourished, kept in rags, and had no access to clean water.

UK authorities have arrested a man on suspicion of terror offenses after a car drove into pedestrians outside of Parliament in Westminster on Tuesday morning. From The London Times:
The silver hatchback careered into a barrier just after 7.30am at what witnesses said looked to be about 40mph, hitting two people. Witnesses described flames and smoke coming from the car. The driver was dragged out of the vehicle by armed police. A black man in jeans and a puffa jacket was seen being held by about a dozen officers as emergency services rushed to the scene and police put a “terrorism act cordon” in place around Parliament Square, extending down Whitehall.

Friday, authorities raided a New Mexico compound on the Colorado border where they Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was reportedly training children to commit school shootings. That claim was made by a foster parent to one of the children. Wahhaj and four other adults were arrested and face charges of child abuse. According to CBS News, Wahhaj, "Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam who was a possible co-conspirator in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 -- but was never charged."

An estimated 126,000 illegal immigrants set for deportation from Germany have slipped through the fingers of immigration authorities, German Federal Police office (BKA) disclosed. German police hope that some of these illegal immigrants may have voluntarily left the country, German newspaper Die Welt reported. The scenario of illegal immigrants “self-deporting” themselves out of Germany is most unlikely. It is more probable that many of these fugitives have acquired new identities and are drawing welfare from the state. As past Legal Insurrection reports indicate, it is very easy for asylum seekers to get multiple identities in Germany thanks to the bureaucratic chaos resulting from Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door migrant policy.

Germany's domestic intelligence agency, or BfV, has reported a significant rise in the number of Islamist extremists living in the country. Officially classified as Salafists, or radicalized Sunni Muslims, their numbers have reached a new all-time high according to the agency's annual report issued on Tuesday. The number of Islamists in the country has doubled in the past five years, crossing 10,800 individuals. This significant growth in the Islamist scene can be attributed to more than a million Arab and Muslim migrants taken in by the country since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened borders in the autumn of 2015.

A gunman killed two people and wounded at least 12 others in an attack in a Toronto Greek neighborhood on Sunday night. The suspect, 29, died after he exchanged gunfire with police, but we do not know as of now if police killed him or if he committed suicide. Police Chief Mark Saunders said on Monday morning that the attack "was not random and he did not rule out terrorism as a motive."

Five years ago today, in broad daylight, two Islamist extremists slaughtered British soldier Lee Rigby with a machete as the young father walked to his barracks in Woolwich. Rigby's child was only four days old.

Oklahoma City, OK, changed 23 years ago today when an explosion happened at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building at 9:02AM. It killed 168 people, including 19 children and three unborn children. Every year, we hold a ceremony at 9AM at the OKC Memorial to remember and mourn those we lost.