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Ted Cruz Tag

David Frum at The Daily Beast, and Alex Pareene at, each write about Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz, and 2016. Frum sees a Warren run ending in defeat at the hands of the Clinton machine, How Ted Cruz Can Win in 2016: Democrats liked Hillary personally. But...

Ted Cruz appeared today at the Values Voters Summit. The big news was that he got heckled and gave it back. Here's the clip.  (The full video is here.) [video embed removed because causing problems, so go here to view video]...

I realize I have re-posted this a number of times. The original post was November 11, 2008, a week after Obama's first election.  Because I knew we had elected Door No. 2. Watching Ted Cruz and others on the floor of the Senate tonight, I have to...

Senator Ted Cruz is currently "filibustering" on the Senate floor to #MakeDCListen on defunding Obamacare.  According to various pundits and outlets, this is not technically a filibuster of course, but Professor Jacobson explains that a vote for cloture is a vote for Harry Reid. Live Twitter feed at bottom of post. Update: It's over. By Senate rule, the new Senate "day" started at noon, and Cruz lost the floor. He spoke for almost 22 hours. [caption id="attachment_65901" align="alignnone" width="503"](Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013) (Ted Cruz concluding filibuster by Senate Rule at Noon, September 25, 2013)[/caption]

Ted Cruz was on the floor of the Senate today making the case about defunding Obamacare and keeping the government open. While he may not be successful, as even Mitch McConnell abandoned the cause and the sniping from Republicans continues -- even as to his eligibility...

Tonight on Special Report with Bret Baier both Tucker Carlson and Charles Krauthammer were excoriating Cruz over the issue of Obamacare defunding.  That's fine. If you think he's wrong or foolish or whatever, make the case. But as part of their arguments each brought up that Cruz...

I believe Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz to be "natural born Citizens" and eligible to be President.  Here's why. 1. Summary There are few eligibility requirements to be President.  You don't have to be smart, wise, experienced, honest, educated, or a particular gender or race. Article II, Section...

The analysis of the Natural Born Citizen clause in the Constitution as it applies to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I promised to do this long ago, and did the research with the assistance of a former student, but couldn't bring myself to actually write it...

for President in 2016. He's our best, and maybe only, hope.  At a minimum he will generate numerous quotables regarding his likely opponent, Hillary.  If by some miracle he's the nominee, it will be a big f-ing deal when it comes to our chances of winning the White...

Every semester for the past couple of years I've been privileged to be a guest speaker at the Ithaca College course on Independent Media conducted by Prof. Jeff Cohen.  I get to regale students with stories about Legal Insurrection, some of which are true.  (FTR, all of...

Republicans struck a deal to avoid Harry Reid going nuclear on the filibuster of Obama nominees. So the filibuster remains in place for one of two things to happen: (1) Democrats retain control of the Senate in 2014, and Republicans continue to confirm Obama nominees and legislative...

I've flagged the pathway to citizenship (even more so than other forms of legalization) as the critical issue in the immigration debate. Granting citizenship to adults who came here illegally is horrible policy which historically has proven a huge carrot to increased illegal immigration regardless of...

I had read headlines about this speech by Ted Cruz, but watching it finally was even better. As background, Sean Sullivan at WaPo's The Fix points out our house is divided, Ted Cruz vs. John McCain: Welcome to the new normal in the Senate: Sen. Ted Cruz...