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Social Justice Tag

I have written a lot about "intersectionality" theory, particularly how it is used to single out Israel by making Israel the nexus of all oppression in the world regardless of the issue:
Every real or perceived problem is either blamed on or connected to Israel. The concerted effort to turn the Black Lives Matter movement into an anti-Israel movement has at its core the claim that Israel is the root of problems of non-whites in the United States. Thus, if a police chief somewhere attended a one-week anti-terrorism seminar in Israel years ago, every act of brutality by a cop on the beat is blamed on Israel. So too, Students for Justice in Palestine protesters in New York City even blamed high tuition on Zionists, leading to rebukes by administrators against such thinly-veiled anti-Semitism.

The events surrounding Professor Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State College are receiving national attention. We covered the story originally The short version is that Weinstein has become the target of students after he wrote an email objecting to a campus movement to exclude whites for a day, as impermissible racism. His email was polite and thoughtful. Yet the reaction was vitriolic, as we covered in the post Evergreen State leftist professor stunned as SJWs viciously turn on him. Here is video of the professor being confronted:

On Friday, we published a Quick Take about a professor at Evergreen State College who was confronted by a student mob demanding his resignation. The professor, who considers himself a progressive, didn't agree with a campus event which would have banned white people from campus for a day. It turns out the situation at this small school in Washington state is worse than previously known. According to Professor Bret Weinstein, campus operations have ground to a halt. The students are calling the shots and making demands of the school president who is trying to appease them. Campus police have been rendered powerless to do anything by an order to stand down. The inmates have truly taken over the asylum.

There was a time during the first quarter of 2017, when the "Anne Frank Center (US)" aka Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, was all over the news for the bashing and thrashing its Executive Director, Steven Goldstein, gave Donald Trump. A time limited Google Search reveals dozens of articles in which Goldstein was quoted as an authority on anti-Semitism and bashing Trump. Here is a small sample:

Earlier this year, MTV decided to remove sex-specific categories from its award shows and remain neutral. The network held its annual MTV Movie & TV Awards show this weekend, which gave outspoken feminist Emma Watson the first "genderless" Best Actor in a Movie award. From CNN:
"MTV's move to create a genderless award for acting will mean something different to everyone," Watson, who played Belle in the film, said of the network's decision. "But to me it indicates that acting is about the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and that doesn't need to be separated into two different categories."

You almost certainly have heard of Anne Frank. It's unlikely that until Trump's election you heard of an entity calling itself the "Anne Frank Center (US)." That's because for most of its history, AFCUS has quietly done work educating people about Anne Frank. Then in the spring of 2016 everything changed. AFCUS changed its focus, hired a political activist named Steven Goldstein, and began to reposition itself as a social justice organization. AFCUS has, since Trump's election, issued a series of inflammatory statements that get gobbled up by the media looking to bash Trump.

The Environmental Protection Agency's new chief is now on-the-record as declaring that the life-sustaining gas, carbon dioxide, is not responsible for "global warming".
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming. "I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see," he told CNBC's "Squawk Box."