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Social Justice Tag

Radical Latino advocacy group (so they claim), National Council of La Raza recently announced a name change. No longer will the group be represented as a National Council of Race (literal translation), instead, they'll call themselves something a bit more palatable -- UnidosUS, or "UnitedUS". Like most corporate overhauls, the rebranding effort appears to be in the best interest of fundraising.

McKenzie Kyger is a white Evergreen State College student who made news when she appeared at a public legislative hearing about the problems at Evergreen related to Prof. Bret Weinstein. Kyger told the legislators about her experience with pervasive anti-white racism being taught as part of the integral model of social justice learning currently foregrounded in American universities. We covered her testimony in the post Evergreen Student: ‘I’ve been told I’m not allowed to speak because I’m white’. Here is the moving video of her appearance:

Bret Weinstein is a professor at Evergreen State College in Washington State who ran afoul of student and faculty social justice warriors when he objected to a proposal to have white leave campus for a day. Weinstein's reasonable and nuanced objection was met with confrontation, as we documented many times. See our Evergreen State College tag for all the posts, including these:

By now you hopefully are familiar with the plight of Evergreen State College professor Bret Weinstein. You can follow our prior coverage at the Evergreen State College Tag. The short version of the story is that for the sin of objecting to a racist proposal that white students and faculty leave campus for a day, Weinstein has been subjected to well-documented harassment, threats and abuse by a coalition of "social justice" students and faculty on campus. The administration further enabled the attacks on Weinstein through cowardly capitulation to student demands. I addressed the distressing racist aspect of the "social justice" agenda at Evergreen in The Campus Inquisition at Evergreen State College:
Students are being steeped in an ideology and attitude in which racism in the name of social justice is accepted. That’s a dangerous situation for the nation.

We've written a lot about the attacks on progressive professor Bret Weinstein at Evergreen State College. He was accused of racism by student activists for opposing a proposal to ban white people from campus for a day, a move he condemned as impermissible racism. In a bizarro world that is today's campus, the anti-racist was called a racist as a tactic to ostracize and isolate him, with physical confrontations not only of Prof. Weinstein, but also of the college president who submissively capitulated to the mob. I summarized the events in The Campus Inquisition at Evergreen State College:

The student takeover at Evergreen State College has gotten so out of control that lawmakers in Washington State are now talking about defunding the school. The New York Times has finally taken notice of the story as well. Bari Weiss writes:
When the Left Turns on Its Own Bret Weinstein is a biology professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., who supported Bernie Sanders, admiringly retweets Glenn Greenwald and was an outspoken supporter of the Occupy Wall Street movement.