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Republicans Tag

Republicans in Florida, many of whom share political views with Governor Ron DeSantis, are taking advantage of favorable winds and running for seats on school boards. This is part of a new and energized grassroots movement just starting. You love to see it.

The Second Amendment is crystal clear and not hard to interpret: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."...

As the November midterms approach and Democrats waste America's time with January 6th theater, average Americans have other concerns. It turns out that issues like the economy, inflation, and crime matter far more to most people. In even worse news for Democrats, new polling indicates that most voters have more trust for Republicans on these issues.

Following the very real threat to the life of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Republicans are reupping their efforts to protect judges on the court and their families. The threats are escalating, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s church and family now targeted. Liberals, who constantly claim to be the good guys, are mocking them for their efforts.