Democrats Backing Trump-Endorsed GOP Candidates in Primaries Worked
“Democrats spent more than $40 million boosting six Republicans who vocally supported Mr. Trump or got his endorsement. All those candidates lost.”

The Republicans and the right, along with some Democrats, couldn’t believe Democrats and Democratic groups threw money and resources behind candidates backed by former President Donald Trump.
I remember some Democrat candidates complaining about not receiving that money and support.
Well, it worked.
Democrats and their groups threw over $40 million behind 13 Republican candidates.
The Republicans abandoned MI-03 Rep. Peter Meijer, who won the seat after Rep. Justin Amash retired. Meijer backed the impeachment of Trump but continued the conservative principles Amash planted in the office. He also took his oath of defending the Constitution as seriously as Amash.
But despite his principles, Trump backed John Gibbs, who worked in his administration, in the primary.
The Democrats seized on the opportunity and propped up Gibbs over Meijer:
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spent nearly $450,000 on primary ads that tied Gibbs to his former boss and helped him beat Rep. Peter Meijer, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump following the Jan. 6 riot.
The ad buy in the Western Michigan district drew criticism from current and former Democrats. But the DCCC defended its strategy after Scholten’s win.
“We made a decision to remind people how extreme John Gibbs is and Republican primary voters made a choice,” DCCC spokesman Matt Corridoni said in a Wednesday statement.
Democrat Hillary Scholten eliminated Gibbs, 54.84% to 41.94%.
The Washington Times listed more:
Democrats spent more than $40 million boosting six Republicans who vocally supported Mr. Trump or got his endorsement. All those candidates lost, including New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc, who could not beat vulnerable Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan.
The Democrat-aligned Senate Majority PAC spent $3.5 million attacking Mr. Bolduc’s primary foe, Chuck Morse, the GOP establishment’s preferred candidate, according to a Fox News rundown.
Democrats also propped up Republican Bob Burns, who lost to Democratic Rep. Annie Kuster in New Hampshire.
The Democrats Serve PAC bolstered Burns with $562,000 in primary ads. Burns only spent $16,000 on messaging. He beat “the more moderate George Hansel, the mayor of Keen, N.H.” in the primary.
Democratic incumbent Rep. Amy Kuster held her seat against Burns, 55% to 44%.
The Democrats also helped Trump-backed governor candidates. All three lost: Dan Cox in Maryland, Darren Bailey in Illinois, and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania.
However, four of the federal-level candidates backed by Democrats and Trump won, including three House candidates.
This is why the Republicans lose. We’ve seen Republicans outraise the Democrats.
Republicans have to fight back, even if it means playing dirty.

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BuT Trump nominees won 215/10, so far
Yes we have to play dirty but we have to play
RNC, McConnell, McCarthy did play Diderot and withdrew money, never campaigned for the rept candidates and literally threw their support to the democrats.
He is one man who campaigned and crisscrossed this country for his nominees tirelessly, maybe you ought to show the video of him standing in the rain at a rally last week to support them, he raised funds , he did what one man can do.
He’s fighting the RINOs, Wall Street, media, oh who all love your man DeSantis.
We have seen this movie before
What is wrong with you
Trump is toxic. Hide him away until after 12/6 so he doesn’t screw up GA again.
We thank him for some terrific policies but those policies can be moved forward by DeSantis who is far smarter, more articulate and a far more successful combatant to the lunacy of the left than Trump can ever be.
Trump is too old and carries way too much baggage. Thank you but move along. Please.
The media utterly detests Trump and that’s really all you need to know.
Once you understand that then 99% of the shit you think you know about OMB is fake news 😂
The reasons the media detests Trump is numerous; he took Hillary’s Presidency away from her, he put America first, he said mean things by calling illigal aliens illigal aliens, he posted mean tweets and he called the Democrat media out for what they are, worthless wankers.
Did you see Turtle or any of the other establishment old GOP party establishment figures out there fighting for supposedly Republican candidates in Democrat areas? Like fuck your did!
Instead of campaigning for Republicans to take Congress and the Senate you for the exact opposite! These cucks pulled money from those fights because they last thing they needed was a Republican Senate the old GOP couldn’t control!
Fuck those guys! What they don’t realise is their old GOP party of go along to get along RINOS is dead!
Some of you need to take a look around and realise the old GOP doesn’t care about you and they are only in this game now because Trump has dragged them kicking and screaming out in to the daylight.
Ugh, I hate when I have to defend McConnell, but the fact is that he dumped nearly a quarter of a billion dollars into these Senate races via both the Senate and “his” PAC. and
Of course McConnell didn’t hit the campaign trail personally, the base hates him. He’d do more harm than good just showing up in these states. He understands that.
Plenty of GOP figures that are more popular with the base did go campaign in these states, including DeSantis, my own rep Matt Gaetz, and many others. They all have states to govern, districts to represent (i.e. need to be in DC), so it’s hard to fault them for not doing more.
and he pulled millions out of candidates, especially in very winnable elections like AZ, NV.
Some of his millions went to democrats under the table.
Go ahead and give him “credit”, he gave money to those that bent the knee to globalism…and his pockets
The rap on McConnell is how he distributed the money – pulling out of some competitive races for (apparently) personal reasons, and funding, specifically, Murkowski, which earned him the condemnation of the Alaska GOP.
I know that’s the rap, but it’s inaccurate (at best).
Pulled it out of Blake Masters. He always give $$ to the non-populist, non-Tea party candidates.
The McConnell-affiliated Senate fund pulled out $9.6m (according to leftist site Axios, as cited at Breitbart), that’s a drop in the bucket, and the Rick Scott-led NRSC put it (and more, at $9.9m) right back. So the Masters campaign, arguably, made out better in that deal, no?
It’s probably not a good idea to bite the hand that you want to feed your campaign, and Masters ran as an anti-McConnell candidate. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but then to whine that you aren’t getting McConnell’s support . . . wow.
“So the Masters campaign, arguably, made out better in that deal, no?”
Only if you assume that Scott threw in BECAUSE Turtle pulled out.
Do you know that to be so?
Because if both had thrown in, Masters would have made out way better.
You CAN’T defend McConnell. It’s like defending getting tuberculosis instead of cancer when you have a CHOICE to get neither.
The Catch-22 game of us needing McConnell at ‘any cost’ is baloney. While the enemy of my enemy is my friend, that goes out the window when the enemy of my enemy works both side of the street, like a common traitor.
“The Catch-22 game of us needing McConnell at ‘any cost’ is baloney.” And I said that . . . when?
Democrats prop up his endorsements in battlegrounds to ensure victory and that’s all you need to know.
You really are “insane”
Trump claims 219/16 FWIW. Cut out the endorsements in +5 R CD /States and the % of wins where it counts; in competitive races, drops significantly. Claiming credit for winning a safe seat that r shouldn’t lose is a distortion.
That’s a statement fact not a hit on DJT. Dude does bust his ass holding rallies and his endorsement does matter to a large segment of voters. Some for (+) and some (-). I give the man credit where it’s due. The PA Gov and PA Senate candidates however were less than optimal both running behind DJT performance.
Winning a safe seat? He supported peole that supported his agenda.
Our agenda
So he should just support people who will have difficult times, like JD Vance?
I said claiming credit for a win in a safe seat is a distortion. Sort of these same kind of thing you are attempting here by skirting the implications.
How about you look at the races that were competitive and tough and tell us the win / loss totals?
He supported a lot of candidates who had a tough time winning competitive races. See PA Senate and PA Gov candidates both of whom got less votes than DJT did.
Again this isn’t a hit at DJT. It’s a little context to the claims about the success rate of candidates with his endorsement.
“I said claiming credit for a win in a safe seat is a distortion.”
NRA used to do that all the time (probably still does).
They don’t give their “endorsements” to candidates unless they are favored to win.
Yep. Exactly, it’s padding the stats and the NRA still does it. Life member so I get all the publications.
Every competitive race Trump was responsible for the Democrats won. McConnell unlike Trump spent very lavishly on candidates. The part about throwing their support to Democrats is just a lie by the way. Trump in a competitive race is a kiss of death.
Trump did horribly this time, and yes he is to blame. He is not popular with the American people and never achieved getting a majority or even plurality of voters.
In Pennsylvania, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove were actively supporting the extreme liberal, Josh Shapiro, over Trump endorsed Doug Mastriano.
It’s funny how conservatives are expected to hold their noses and vote for RINOs, but RINOs never reciprocate for conservatives.
Trump has endorsed McCarthy for Speaker.
This is why you VET.
I’m not commenting on President Trump’s influence on the midterms. My comment is directed at the question of whether he should be the 2024 GOP nominee for president.
I’ll state up front that I will support Trump if he is the GOP nominee; that goes without saying.
That said, if President Trump is the GOP nominee in 2024, the Dumb-o-crats and media will predictably — and, successfully — make the election all about him, thus avoiding criticism and scrutiny on the real issues, which are dotard-marionette, Biden’s, utterly destructive, incompetent and callous tenure, and, the Dumb-o-crats’ war on common sense, pro-economic growth, pro-America policies.
If DeSantis is the GOP nominee, the Dumbs cannot avoid a debate on the issues, and, they cannot escape responsibility for their glaring and corrosive policy failures across the board.
It’s also a question of which GOP candidate possesses the broadest appeal. Folks, the GOP cannot win a presidential election by only drawing support from the base — this is basic math. We need a candidate who can draw support from independents and Dumb-o-crats, and, President Trump is too polarizing a figure to be able to do that, effectively. He has simply burned too many bridges and squandered a lot of goodwill. That’s the reality, at the end of the day. Millions of potential voters are turned off by President Trump’s persona and antics. It is what it is.
The Dumb-o-crats undermined President Trump’s administration with the most vicious, lawless and underhanded sabotage and dirty tricks campaign in American history — it’s outrageous and unfair, and, the reprobates who are responsible will never be held accountable, but, the damage to Trump’s brand has been done. And, it goes without saying that President Trump — despite this unprecedented sabotage inflicted upon him — was an undeniably effective president who accomplished great things (a pro-economic growth business environment; the Abraham Accords) for which he deserves enormous credit, including putting three originalists on the Supreme Court.
At the end of the day, DeSantis simply doesn’t carry the same baggage and has wider appeal. He’s also a savvier tactician, more circumspect in his public comments and is thus a harder target for the media to hit. DeSantis is my choice for 2024 GOP nominee.
If the swamp is not seriously damaged, them who is president is irrelevant. The shadow government must be reigned in.
I do not see DeSantis doing what needs to be done.
Oh he most definitely won’t do what’ needs to be done
They are allowing him to play MAGA lite right now
But he’s been bought, he has about 250,000,000 in the coffers from Paul Ryan buddies, McConnells buddies, McCarthys buddies , Wall Street , billionaire globalists
Just reread what Griffin said about donating MILLIONS to DeSantis, he expects him to taper down the “nationalism”, ie MAGA, and support their globalist agenda
So support mr bought and sold and turn around and pull them
Down cause you will be getting it good and hard…
Trump had 4 years and did not seriously damage the Swamp, or damage it at all. Just look at DOJ and FBI, where his appointments arguably cost him re-election.
While he didn’t, he did expose how vast the swamp really is. One person who wasn’t prepared for the depth of the swamp won’t be able to hurt it. It’ll take a tsunami of patriots to clean out the swamp.
So Republicans should never nominate a candidate the Democrats don’t like, because they might try to undermine him? Do you even what you write?
Republicans shouldn’t nominate a candidate that helps Dems get elected. If you don’t see that, then you didn’t read the article.
Does anyone believe that whoever is the nominee will not be viciously attacked? Trump is a big target but he took the party out of the hands of a do-nothing RINO preserve. Witness how Ryan and McConnell did not move Republican issues forward as they could have. If Trump steps aside the Dems will say that the new candidate is his pick. An obvious ticket would be Trump-DeSantis with the next elections being DeSantis and … well… plenty of great women and men to fill that slot.. and going on. Trump did what should have been done… smash mouth back the Left… poor babies will whine. Trump and We were robbed of our 4 years during his first term.
“”An obvious ticket would be Trump-DeSantis””
Maybe, but it can’t happen, given that Trump is already starting with the insults and threats.
Right. Besides, that was never going to happen. Both are alpha males, and the very idea of DeSantis running as the head state funeral goer and chief ribbon cutter is ludicrous.
Are they? I would argue that they’re turned off by Democrat-controlled media’s relentless mischaracterization of him and what he does, not how he actually is. It’s amazing how many people uncritically repeat “Trump is stupid” and “Trump hates women”.
It is Trump. He did nothing to make it hard for the media. The best thing that happened to him in 2016 was his spending the final stretch in his basement.
If DeSantis is the nominee, the swamp machine – INCLUDING THE GOPe – will do everything to destroy him.
Anyone buying into the swamp/GOPe/democrat news item that ‘Trump is toxic’ , is playing us.
The golden ticket here is Trump-DeSantis: it covers all bases and gives us 12 years of a sane president.
“We need a candidate who can draw support from independents and Dumb-o-crats”
People keep saying that, and it’s just so deluded. Independents, yes. But Democrat voters are going to vote Democrat even when the candidate is Quasimodo. Fact in evidence.
Here’s what happens to Republicans who try to appeal to Democrats. The set up (starts about six paras in), and the punch line. He could have stoked a real fire in the bellies of his natural constituency, had exactly the same (lack of) success, and positioned himself for greater things later. If Kari Lake loses, as it looks like she will, do you think you will never hear from her as a candidate for anything again? I would ante up on the other side.
There is a problem with the logic of this article. It is a counter fatal that assumes the Republican who opposed Trump would have won. You can’t prove that. As a matter of fact I would say the candidate who opposed Trump would have lost by an even greater amount because the Democrat would not have lost any votes but the Republican opposing Trump would have lost those Trump Republicans. They simply would not have voted..
I usually like your articles but this is totally illogical and should be corrected.
They are pushing the antiTrump agenda here, so very sad.
Professor, your better than this
Calling for censorship because you can’t win an argument.
Calling for FAIR reporting, not seeing it
Your definition of fair reporting doesn’t exist in reality. You have no concept of reality, so your version of approved reporting will only exist on shitblogs.
Censorship? What a troll.
Along with dumb single women glued to Tik Tok, Democrats continue to take us into the gutter with the way they do things.
And take RINOs, don’t forget the rinos
The RINOS are the most to blame: we trusted them to be our bulwark against tyranny, and they were working for the enemy all the time. Namely, McConnell.
healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | November 10, 2022 at 7:26 pm
Your definition of fair reporting doesn’t exist in reality. You have no concept of reality, so your version of approved reporting will only exist on shitblogs.
Riiggggtt…have a nice day mr reality!
I suggest that the GOP base learn how to ballot harvest. If they don’t do that then it doesn’t matter who runs in 2024.
Yes but we must get hold of state leadership and do away with mail in
“If DeSantis is the GOP nominee, the Dumbs cannot avoid a debate on the issues, and, they cannot escape responsibility for their glaring and corrosive policy failures across the board”
lol you think the kid gloves won’t be coming off for pretty boy Ron? You think he will be allowed to debate much less issues?
Well, if he truly is the selected “one” to put the mail in the coffin, maybe your right
Just so you know, his bravado about 2nd Amendment in florida and looters?
He introduced in the house an Amendment for Red Flag laws, he also supported PPP
Trump’s PPP?
TPP Trans -Pacific Partnership
Sorry, when you wrote “PPP,” I thought you meant “PPP.” If you really meant TPP, I don’t think that even came up for a vote in the House, did it? TPA did, for sure, but TPP? I don’t think it did. But it’s been a while, so I’d have to look it up . . . if I cared at this point in time. (And I don’t.)
It’s TPA but that was really the precursor to TPP
Trump wants red flag laws!
But DeSantis was giving his Cowboy when he was bragging about Florida gun owners being in the right, which I agree, with looters, like he’s all 2nd Amendment… he’s Second Amendment lite..
I’ll vote for Trump in a heartbeat if he’s the nominee. On the whole, he was faithful to the 2A as president, and his biggest contributions to the preservation of that amendment were his judicial appointments. But the man is not without flaws. I don’t think it’s a good thing to pretend they don’t exist.
I don’t pretend he hasn’t got flaws, he’s egotistical, narcissistic often, and runs his mouth when he shouldn’t.
BUT he’s the only one that can break down the walls that are encircling all of us. He’s the only one that fought for us, day in and day out
He must believe Winston Churchills famous quote
“When your in hell, keep walking “
I also Truly believe him when he said …
They’re really coming for you, I’m just standing in the way”
Gonzo, you wrote: “I also Truly believe him when he said … They’re really coming for you, I’m just standing in the way’.” And I believe that too. They are coming for us. Biden openly declared it in his blood-red Philly hellscape speech.
We all know that we are teetering here, and we all want to make the best decision going forward. If you listened to DeSantis’ victory speech, he is standing between us and that mob coming for us, too. And he’s doing it effectively, directly. He’s taking them on, head on. “Florida is where woke comes to die.” When has Trump said that? Or even addressed CRT, the sexualization of children in public schools?
Gonzo, you are a good person, thanks for the back and forth.
Look, gonzo, this is a losing argument.
The sad fact is that Trump endorsed AND actually enacted MORE gun control than Obama and (so far) Biden.
This after telling us, quote: “The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end… I will never, ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Never ever.”
Then he banned bump stocks — which had been declared legal ever since they were invented — with a “stroke of his pen,” no congressional involvement whatsoever, then began promoting the implementation of red=flag laws.
He also promised: “I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools, and — you have to — and on military bases. My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.”
Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office.
Trump’s first day in office? He didn’t do a damn thing. And he never did anything about gun-free zones in the four years he spent in the White House.
Don’t go touting Trump’s dedication to the Second Amendment. It ran about as deep as Harry Reid’s.
“Don’t go touting Trump’s dedication to the Second Amendment. It ran about as deep as Harry Reid’s…”
Factually, that’s a ridiculous statement. Even if it’s mere puffing, its’ a ridiculous statement.
While Trump might not be THE most ardent 2A advocate, he’s not dangerous to the 2A.
Trump broke the barrier — all by himself, with no one else to blame — of declaring that a gun accessory that was not even a gun at all was in fact legally a “machine gun.” This opened up a huge new avenue of attack by gun banners that is already now swallowing pistols outfitted with wrist braces. The people who owned bump stocks (not a cheap item) and had had it affirmed and reaffirmed to them by the BATF that they were perfectly legal, suddenly found themselves owning illegal contraband and being forced to give it up to the feds for no remuneration, and some of them were forced to spend their own money suing the feds over the whole charade. Tell me how none of this was “dangerous to the second amendment.”
How about, “take the guns first, give the due process later?” Is that not dangerous to not just the 2A, but our constitutional system in general? If I had hung Chucky’s name on that quote instead of Don’s, you’d be all up his backside. And deservedly so.
My mention of Harry Reid was perhaps inside baseball. A couple years before Reid’s departure from politics, Wayne LaPierre gave him an NRA endorsement as a “champion of the second amendment.” 95% of the NRA membership, knowing he was anything but, correctly dismissed this as total access-politics bullshit… and this was confirmed later by a disastrous bill co-sponsored by Reid.
Another case where the promise (whether the candidate’s or an endorser’s) was wildly out of sync with the actual performance.
Yes, and he was quite emphatic about it: “Take the guns first, go through due process second.” Chilling.
The Hill is based in DC, right?
Wait, you think that’s the only outlet to report that? Or comment on it?
Here are a few more:
But let me guess, Turley and Breitbart are deep state operatives lying about Trump because reasons. You are exhausting.
Trump not only wants red flag laws (which are, arguably, unconstitutional), but he pushed his DOJ to regulate “devices” that turn legal weapons into “machine guns.”
The NRA endorsed him over Biden. Well, no crap. Biden thinks we should ban guns because there are super special bullets that blow lungs out of a body. Seriously. Look it up.
And these “super special bullets” are the basic models in common use by 90% of police agencies and probably 75% of handgun owners.
“Republicans have to fight back, even if it means playing dirty.”
I agree, when fighting with gutter dwellers, one generally ends up splattered with stinky sludge.
The trick is to give it back with interest,
We’re at war, with an enemy who not only plays dirty, but destroys lives, incarcerates innocent people and terrorizes political opponents. America’s Heinrich Himmler Merrick Garland is the manifestation.
“Meijer backed the impeachment of Trump but continued the conservative principles Amash planted in the office. He also took his oath of defending the Constitution as seriously as Amash.”
Are you insane?
That’s a serious question. Are you ACTUALLY insane to think this is true?
Meijer voted with Biden nearly 40% of the time. There are only a TINY handful of Republicans that have voted with Democrats more than Meijer. Heck there are a couple DEMOCRATS that have voted with Biden less than Meijer.
He is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. That’s the reason he lost the primary.
And I guarantee you that he would have lost RESOUNDINGLY in the general election if he had somehow pulled out the primary win.
Yeah, Meijer was not exactly a staunch supporter of individual liberty and standing up to runway govt power.
Wow! This is 4D chess right here. Take a decent red pick up turn it into a red tsunami hype it to the high heavens and then hyperventilate at the “loss” and blame Trump. All of this to create Republican division choas for 2024.
This is transparently obvious. Gelman amnesia is happening. When did Republicans start trusting anything the media says? Standing back and watching the fray had me scratching my head until I saw who the “real” loser (read target) was. It was Trump, it is always Trump it is forever Trump. Until Trump is fed to the hogs ala Snatch, you can rest assured that he will be smeared continously. Trump must be destroyed at ANY cost. No avenue for his destruction, no matter how grotesque, must be left unknown. No trick is to dirty. No principle to important. I am waiting for the political adds that show Trump and his supporters as rats. At that point I will know what is next. Is there a lot of glass at the Capital?
C’mon people this is working perfectly. Please pay attention to whom the target is, and you will know who it is you need to support him no matter what you think of him.
I think this quote sums it up best “They are not coming after me they are coming after you, I am just in the way.”
Right on, Technique. It’s stunning what sheep so many on our side are.
Winning ballots likely filled out way before Election Day. How else does a dead guy get elected like in PA.? With lax authentication and minimal chain of custody, Michigan,Penn still problematic.
That’s ridiculous. How does a dead guy win? The exact same way a living guy does. The fact that a candidate is dead should make absolutely no difference to any voter. The fact that it does make some difference is because some voters are morons. Only morons would vote for another party’s candidate just because their guy is dead.
The dead guy? You mean Fetterman?
Gonzo, you have every right to post here. But give it a rest.
Well Stu thanks for giving me permission, feel Free to pass on by my comments
Hers another one !
I am grateful to President Trump for helping put Ron into the FL governor office in 2018. Without Trump’s active stump for Ron in Florida at that time, Ron is not where he is right now…
The Asian Proverb: When you eat the good fruit, remember the one who sowed the seed and grew the plant for your current enjoyment. That gratitude value helps showing an individual’s true color
Ron doesn’t apparently do Asian
It’s going to be a loooooong two years. Sigh.
Can we get a list of naughty things we are not allowed to say? I think that’s gonna be needed soon as people lose patience and poise.
Same as always, Chief, no ad hominem attacks against our commenters, no calls to violence, definitely no anti-Semitism, and no racist lunacy. And now that we’re gearing up for crazy and it’s become relevant again, the long-standing LI policies of not spamming the same comment over and over in one or more threads (what is more spammy than that?), not quoting other sites at length (and relatedly not pimping other sites here; NOTE, using links for support is not the same thing as promoting other sites on ours), and etc. come back into play. I personally take offense at the “repeal the 19th Amendment” nutters, so I personally remove that stuff (as always).
In other words, no changes. It’s just the same as it’s always been. Enjoy!
So, if a post is visible then the language and phrasing meets the cut because it hasn’t been removed….and it would then follow that the use of the same or similar language and phrasing would make the cut as well …
No, that is incorrect. Not all comments go to moderation, and we’re a small operation, so it may take us some time to find ones that need to be removed. We eventually get to them, though. You can email us about stuff that you think is objectionable or violates our rules to speed up the process.
But no, if you see a comment where someone is attacking another LI commenter, that does NOT mean it’s okay. It means only that we haven’t removed it yet (and possibly that person will be placed in moderation, whereby anything they post must be approved before being posted live).
Generally speaking, we want to walk a line between serious-minded debate about real issues and random calls to violence, racist comments, personal attacks, etc.
We have discussions about swearing and language. I am not a fan of cursing in comments and think it diminishes not just the argument but the person making their case, but I also think we are all adults and can handle cursing . . . as long as it’s not directed at another commenter, advocating or promoting violence, and etc.
Does this help?
Fuzzy, what I like about this place is that it’s civil, there is leeway with language (I try to keep it clean but sometimes I just can’t help myself, sorry), and you all do a great job keeping out the riff-raff. You treat us like adults and I am grateful. I think most people around here police themselves and others. I don’t know. It can get heated, I don’t necessarily see what kind of stuff you have to remove.
Anyway, thanks to you and the rest here.
Thanks, Colonel. This means a lot.
Sorta kinda?
I ain’t a snitch and don’t think most people get too upset about occasional naughty words or back and forth. Certainly not enough to rat folks out on this site anyway.
I think most people likely believe that if someone is dishing it out then turn about x 10 is probably deserved. Sort of a don’t be mad at a counter punch and a kick, then another, and another …..when you choose to start a fight the other guy gets to decide how and when to end it.
IOW, don’t start none won’t be none.
This makes no sense to me in terms of LI comment moderation policies (i.e. the actual topic). Care to recast?
Sure, If person A initiates a slap fight then is person B gonna be hit by the mods for responding?
Are we all gonna agree that if Person A didn’t want to fight they shouldn’t have begun one?
Asking that because, as you stated, the mods may not be able to react in real time so we can’t rely upon the fact that something is visible so it must be cool.
Fuzzy, ask someone who was alive during WW2 what their 4 years was like (you still might have a chance, albiet a short one, for they’re all dying of old age). In WW2, there was gas rationing, silk rationing, food rationing, a massive draft, massive amounts of death notices being telegramed to terrified families.
They only reason they got thought it was they knew who they were fighting, what they were fighting for, and most important: they TRUSTED their leaders and their generals, and very few let them down.
Now? We’re fighting our own government, our own FBI, our own CIA, our own IRS, our own political party. But we have it easy, as far as creature comforts go. BUT, that’s ending this winter, when diesel shortage bring food shortages and the Obama’s attack on America’s energy (yes, Obama – this is his third term) manifests most. Freezing, cold and hungry: that’s what’s in store for 2023.
Maybe then enough of us so spoiled by creature comforts will see our way of life if worth FIGHTING for.
Democrats backing Trump endorsed gop candidates in areas where Democrats cheat elections was a working Democrat strategy.
I’m not sure this is logical. Why on earth would Democrats spend millions to promote a pro-Trump candidate . . . if the fix was already in?
In the r primaries to try and temporarily boost what the d/prog viewed as the least electable r when the general election began. Better safe than sorry I suppose was the reasoning.
Some places they dumped a bit funding and of course some States still have open primary races so non r can vote in the primary and skew the choice.
It makes the required ballot drop less obvious on the chart?
What’s annoying about this strategy is that you can’t turn the tables on it. Say we all go vote in a Democratic primary for the biggest loon you can imagine. It will never matter. A democrat will happily vote for a loon anyway. AOC. Fetterman. Omar. Warrren. BIDEN.
Fuzzy, it makes a lot of sense: their ‘support’ puts the spotlight on the Trump candidates when they know they’re going to illegally rig the election.
They didn’t necessarily have to cheat. Blue states got bluer because of Democrat COVID fascism. Large numbers of those who would have likely voted for a Republican in those states were instead voting in Red states.
>>Meijer backed the impeachment of Trump but continued the conservative principles Amash planted in the office. He also took his oath of defending the Constitution as seriously as Amash. But despite his principles, Trump backed John Gibbs, who worked in his administration, in the primary.
Yeah, no. We are expected to believe that Meijer deserved a Trump endorsement after stabbing him solidly in the back after a baseless and most probably illegal impeachment? Bite me. Wait, let me be more polite so I don’t get bonked in the comments. Actions have consequences. If you vote in favor of an impeachment of an *ex* President no longer in office and therefore subject to the Judicial branch and not the Legislative, you cannot call yourself a conservative. Let him sit on the bench for two years and ponder the value of his underhanded actions.
Fussy , I guess your OK with a politician taking 250,000 000 from the big globalists, supported by PAUL FREAKING RYAN, Jeb bush, McCarthy, McConnell, hedge fund operators WHO HAVE SAID THAT THEY EXPECT RON to SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.. globalist first NOT America First
95% of his money is from them!
95% of President Trumps money is from small donors
He gave a speech someone wrote for him. Gee, cry me a river. He’s bought… sorry..
By the way, DeWine Noem both got like 25, 26 % of their state vote. Don’t hear anything about that do we.
He’s been ALLOWED to be MAGA, to try to fool us, guess you can fool more peope everyday…
The fix is in
And they weren’t cutting off little girls breasts when he was President, and we didn’t really know about CRT till recently, so give me a break.
He talk frequently about women’s rights in sports and transgenderism.
There are two words why failure is built-in going foward; Kevin McCarthy.
For her crimes and her impeaching Donald Trump when he was out of office, Nancy Pelosi needs to be impeach – even if she’s DEAD. If she’s not, we’re done for. And Kevin McCarthy is the clueless milquetoast to blow it.
The arguments in this piece are thin, to put it mildly.
I don’t know anything about New Hampshire politics, and I have no idea whether Republicans not backed by Trump would have been able to beat incumbent Democrats in NH this year.
I really wonder what prospects any Republican candidate for governor would have had in Maryland. Or in Illinois (!!?).
Having spent a few years in libertarian-land, I do know a little about libertarians and ex-libertarians. I’ve seen how a lot of libertarians forgot all of their principles and lost all of their bearings when Donald Trump loomed above the horizon. But I’m still incredulous at these statements about the Michigan 3rd district race:
“The Republicans abandoned MI-03 Rep. Peter Meijer, who won the seat after Rep. Justin Amash retired. Meijer backed the impeachment of Trump but continued the conservative principles Amash planted in the office. He also took his oath of defending the Constitution as seriously as Amash.”
“But despite his principles, Trump backed John Gibbs, who worked in his administration, in the primary.”
Justin Amash went from being a principled opponent of the Deep State, especially of the FBI and the spy agencies, to claiming that the Mueller Report proved Trump was guilty of obstruction of justice and ought to be impeached. Amash had called for ending the USA Patriot Act when many other Republicans slammed him for taking such a position—those other Republicans didn’t have a clue how powers gained under the Patriot Act could be, and would be, turned against Republicans.
Yet because Justin Amash hated Donald Trump personally, he joined forces with the worst parts of the administrative state, including but not limited to Robert Mueller and his crew. Justin Amash called for impeachment based on the Mueller Report. When the Mueller Report didn’t move enough Democrats to impeach, Amash joined them in voting for impeachment over a phone call. Trump absolutely had to be removed, because he was not conducting foreign policy as Lt. Col. Vindman and the “interagency consensus” decreed it must be done. With his vote for the first impeachment, Amash ceased to be any kind of libertarian, or any kind of person with a genuine interest in upholding the Constitution.
Whether Peter Meijer took Justin Amash as a model, I have no idea. I don’t know whether Meijer ever presented himself as a libertarian. But voting for the second impeachment of Donald Trump, as Amash had voted for the first, was a clear signal that Meijer had no regard for the Constitution. He simply preferred rule by Democrats and their allies in the mass media and the administrative state.
Meijer deserved to lose the Republican primary for MI-03. I don’t know whether Meijer could have won in the general. Let’s suppose that he could have, and that no other Republican in the state of Michigan could have won in the general. Then re-electing Meijer would have sent back to Washington a Republican who deserved expulsion from the party.
Was it wrong for Trump to endorse Russell Fry in the primary for SC-7? Tom Rice was censured by the Republican party in South Carolina, for voting to impeach on the Democrats’ second try. Fry won easily in the general.
Was it wrong for Trump to endorse Harriet Hageman against Liz Cheney in Wyoming? Cheney was censured and later expelled by the Wyoming Republican party. We knew all along that Hageman would have no trouble in the general.
I like how they omitted the biggest one: Kari Lake.
Why omit her, because she’s going to win?
D’s backed her in a big way in the primary. She was Trump endorsed and they thought she’d be easier to beat than her RINO opponent.
Article omitted several dozen others also, only noting the 6 that lost.
Trump went >200 wins vs 10 losses on his nominations, and the media – including this imbecile author above, are promoting the talking point that this is a huge fail for him.
What a joke!!
Note that Kari Lake had several opponents in the primary. One was way more constitutionally based, and had a much more solid history of… shall we say… “not donating to Obama.” But Lake had the charisma and was (now) saying all the right things, so she was the one over the hump. In retrospect, I suspect the more solid candidate would have been trounced much more handily… because the vast majority of people vote for personalities over principles.
Donald Trump’s pre-election unexpected attack on DeSantis may have turned off a few thousand independents and Republicans from voting for Trump-affiliated candidates.
And his pre-midterm boast that he would likely run for president may have scared – and energized – some last-minute, hard-core anti-Trumpers and Democrats to go out to vote.
Loved trump’s policies, but these candidate picks sucked.
PA senate should’ve been an easy win against the guy that couldn’t put together a coherent sentence – instead we ran a carpetbagger that complained about the cost of crudités to coal miners. To say nothing of the nutjob that was Mastriano.
Cocaine Mitch was right about “candidate quality” and if Trump wants to play kingmaker he needs to be more magnanimous and accept history and move on. I don’t think Trump’s political fortunes are over, unless he’s looking to kill them with froot loop endorsements. Hopefully for the GA runoff he throws money at Walker and stays away.
More to the point – I hope republicans pick up this strategy and run new squad members in literally every democrat primary going forward. The democrat primary voters are dumb enough to go with magic socialist grandpa and the congresswomen representing hezbollah in probably 95% of counties.
While it is time to leave Trump this turd must also go. Next you will be defending Liz Cheney.