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Racism Tag

Coca-Cola Company is barrelling full-steam ahead in the hopes of being crowned the most wokest woke company of uber-woke 2021.  Last month, Professor Jacobson wrote about "Coca-Cola Impos[ing] Racial Quotas On Outside Counsel Staffing. This month, we learn that Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to attend a divisive, destructive online course designed to make them hate themselves because of the color of their skin.

Coca-Cola Company is now mandating racial quotas for how its outside law firms staff Coca-Cola work. Not just aspirations to increase diversity, straight out minimums based on race. In the zero sum game of how a limited number of matters are staffed by a limited number of lawyers, that means Coca-Cola is mandating that law firms engage in racism.

At the beginning of this month, Princeton University President Christopher L. Eisgruber, penned a letter to the Princeton community which claimed that racism is "embedded" in structures of the university. The Department of Education took this claim seriously and has launched an investigation. If schools are going to make these claims, it's about time that we take them at their word.

I first heard of Critical Race Theory back in 2012 from Andrew Breitbart, and like all decent, law-abiding, fair-minded, non-racist Americans, I was appalled by it.  As Breitbart warned at the time, this then-radical Marxism-based divisive, destructive theory is being mainstreamed.  It has moved out of our universities and into our culture, society, and even our government.

We constantly hear that there is systemic racism in higher education. That's true, except not in the way propagandized. The last existing systemic racism in higher ed takes place in the admissions process at elite institutions, in order to achieve a racial mix preferred by administrators and activists. The primary victims of such practices are people of Asian descent.