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Palestinian Authority Tag

The Palestinians are scared of President Donald Trump's victory in the November 3rd election, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh claims. "God help us, the God help you [European Union] and the whole world if there are four more years of Trump," the Palestinian prime minister warned a group of EU lawmakers on Monday.

The Palestinian Authority's new school curriculum infuses antisemitism in young minds and glorifies jihad terrorism, reveals a recently released report by IMPACT-se, an NGO that monitors school textbooks around the world. The report, which analyzed 222 textbooks for the 2020-21 academic year, found that they "remain openly antisemitic and continue to encourage violence, jihad and martyrdom."

The news of Serbia and Muslim-majority Kosovo opening their embassies in Jerusalem has triggered a new wave of anger within the Palestinian leadership. The Balkan nations moving diplomatic missions to the Holy City is an act of "unjust aggression against the Palestinian people,” the Palestinian Authority said in an official statement.

Last week The Jerusalem Post reported that a recent study of Palestinian Authority textbooks found that the ones used in Palestinian schools are preparing students "for a continuous and long-range confrontation against the State of Israel in order to achieve the final goal, which is the establishment of the State of Palestine that will stretch on the entire territory of the Land of Israel."

In April 2020, we published an in-depth investigation: How Anti-Israel Activists Are Hijacking The Coronavirus Crisis And Turning It Against Israel. Our research demonstrated how proponents of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel have exploited the COVID-19 pandemic: namely, blaming the Jewish state and its supporters for as many aspects of the outbreak as possible. Now, we've taken a closer look at how international Arab, Muslim, and especially Palestinian sources have rhetorically weaponized the virus against Israel. And it's clear that the BDS campaign's appropriation of COVID-19 is only part of a larger effort to fold the pandemic into pre-existing anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish ideology.

President Donald Trump's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan received a mixed response from the European leaders. While the European Union, France, and Germany reacted with caution to the U.S. initiative, it was received positively by the leaders of the United Kingdom and Austria.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a major policy shift on Monday by declaring that the United States no longer considers Israeli 'settlements' to be illegal under the international law. The statement reverses the U.S. State Department's long-held policy that regarded Israeli 'settlements' in the region of Judea and Samaria, also referred to as the West Bank, "inconsistent with international law."

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for "Palestinian Refugees" (UNRWA) has been suspended amid ongoing investigations into widespread corruption under his watch. Internal investigations "revealed management issues which relate specifically to the (UNRWA) Commissioner-General" Pierre Krahenbuhl, a statement issued by the UN said on Wednesday.

Ninety years ago, in 1929, Arabs went on a murderous anti-Jewish rampage in the British Mandate for Palestine, ransacking ancient Jewish communities in Hebron and Safed (Tzefat). In the course of the week, a total of 130 Jews were dead.