Oregon | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 12
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Oregon Tag

President Donald Trump has pardoned ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond, the men who inspired the 2016 armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge in Oregon, resulting in a stand-off between protestors and the federal government. The men were convicted "in 2012 of intentionally and maliciously setting fires on public lands."

Last summer, we covered the cancellation of a planned Patriot Prayer rally in San Francisco. The event was cancelled after "Californian leaders, including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D), ... adamantly opposed a rally organized by the Patriot Prayer group on the grounds that it is 'alt right' and 'white supremacist'.”  Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson ably refuted these allegations at the time. Gibson, who is running for the U. S. Senate in Washington state, was in Portland, Oregon yesterday with over a hundred of his Patriot Prayer group for an announced, permitted rally.

I honestly have no idea where to even start with this whole thing. A bar in Portland, OR, hosted a Reparations Happy Hour where "blacks, brown and indigenous people" received $10 from white people who. The event excluded white people.

Signs were recently posted in hallways and bathrooms at Grant High School in Oregon which read "trigger warning: sexual assault" then the word "BEWARE" followed by the names of five male students. This story is an example of the perpetuation of "rape culture" we have often covered on college campuses. Now it's trickling down to high schools, apparently.

The last time we reported on Reed College in Portland, Oregon, a student sit-in had shut down school’s finance office. The protests were organized by “Reedies Against Racism,” (RAR) a group that has been active on campus for a little over a year and whose members interrupted the lecture of a humanities class (Humanities 110) on Western Civilization it described as "Eurocentric" and "silencing people of color". Despite the intimidation and harassment, Reed College freshmen are battling back. The following snippet is from an article in the Atlantic that details the challenge the freshmen are giving to the RAR's moral authority.
...This school year, students are ditching anonymity and standing up to RAR in public—and almost all of them are freshmen of color. The turning point was the derailment of the Hum lecture on August 28, the first day of classes. As the Humanities 110 program chair, Elizabeth Drumm, introduced a panel presentation, three RAR leaders took to the stage and ignored her objections. Drumm canceled the lecture—a first since the boycott. Using a panelist’s microphone, a leader told the freshmen, “[Our] work is just as important as the work of the faculty, so we were going to introduce ourselves as well.”

The right of the private citizenry to make a public record request has, at least until recently, required local and federal governments to maintain a certain level of transparency. But a disturbing new trend has private citizens and even journalists flummoxed. In Louisiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and Oregon, individuals requesting public records have been sued by the agencies whose documents they requested. This new lawfare front has successfully kept public records out of the hands of requestors and made others think twice before making FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests.

Sergio Jose Martinez, a 31-year-old illegal alien, has a criminal record and has been deported 20 times.  Portland, Oregon, however, prides itself on its "sanctuary city" policy, and Martinez was released into Portland despite a 2016 ICE detainer. Martinez then broke into a 65-year-old woman's home, brutally raped and assaulted her, and stole her vehicle.  Before being caught by police, he allegedly assaulted another woman. KGW reports:
A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman's home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police. Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

Democrat Oregon Governor Kate Brown is expected to sign House Bill 3391-B which will make abortion free for all, residents and non-residents of the state. From LifeSite News:
The law would force health insurers to cover abortions without any co-pay and give more than $10 million for abortions and other “reproductive services” to Medicaid. Pro-lifers predict that most of the $10 million will go to Planned Parenthood.

I have long joked about the negative feelings that Californians inspire among citizens in the remaining 49 states. However, new arrivals to Portland, Oregon were the victims of something more than a joke. Their home and auto were the target of a graffiti attack that told them to return to the Golden State.
A couple from California, who relocated to Portland 4 months ago, woke up Sunday to find their car and house vandalized.

A 35-year-old white male fatally stabbed two men and wounded another after they came to the assistance of two Muslim girls the suspect was verbally attacking.  These men, rightly being called "heroes," stepped in to attempt to quiet the raving suspect; two of them were fatally stabbed, the third was wounded. The Los Angeles Times reports:
35-year-old white supremacist with a criminal record has been arrested in connection with the stabbing deaths Friday of two men on a light-rail train in Portland, Ore., who intervened when he began to hurl anti-Muslim epithets at two women, one who was wearing a head scarf, police said. Jeremy Joseph Christian of North Portland was jailed early Saturday on charges of aggravated murder, attempted murder, intimidation in the second degree and felony possession of a restricted weapon. He is being held without bail, and could face additional charges, police said.
The murdered men were Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche and Rick Best, while the wounded man is identified as Micah Fletcher.

In disturbing parallels to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Weather Underground of the 1960's, we are seeing a small band of violent radicals attempt—and thus far succeed—in imposing their will on Americans.  The terrorist acts that the SDS and Weather Underground engaged in are what we most remember, but it's worth noting that they, too, started out with threats, riots, and destruction of property during their "Days of Rage."  They ultimately used violence as a means of condemning violence(?!) and of coalescing their "families" and "tribes" behind a "youth resistance," and we are seeing this all unfold yet again as violent radicals shriek about fascism while engaging in it themselves. In the wake of the violent riots that shut down speaking engagements by Milo Yiannopoulos and Heather Mac Donald, the violent radicals of the fringe left have notched up further "wins" in silencing Ann Coulter and in now causing the cancellation of the Avenue of Roses Parade in Portland, Oregon.

Remember when the State Department decided it would be good to remove "father" and "mother" designations from passport applications and to replace them with "Parent 1" and "Parent 2"?  Don't look now, but in Oregon (where a 15 year-old can get a taxpayer-funded sex change operation), the government will allow you to call yourself  "non-binary" if you are transgender. From the Law Works LLC website:
On June 10, 2016, a Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge for the State of Oregon granted Jamie Shupe’s petition to change the legal sex/gender marker from Female to Nonbinary.  Lake Perriguey, of Law Works LLC,  represented Jamie in what is understood to be the first order from a United States state court to recognize “non-binary” as a legal gender/sex identifier as part of a legal sex change procedure. Oregon law does not specifically limit gender choices to Male or Female.  Instead, the law allows a judge to order a legal change of sex and enter a judgment indicating the change of sex of a person if the court determines that the individual has undergone surgical, hormonal or other treatment appropriate for that individual for the purpose of gender transition and that sexual reassignment has been completed.  See Oregon Revised Statute 33.460.