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OccupyWallStreet Tag

The Live Stream camera at street level tells the story, the Occupy Dallas protesters control the streets with the line of marchers extending as far as the eye can see: Okay, maybe not.  Reader Derek writes: Professor, I'm an avid reader of your blog. I was in the office today and...

Oh my how the supporters of Occupy Wall Street cheered when Lech Walesa, hero of the fight against communism in Poland, announced that he would fly to New York to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. Brent Budowsky at The Hill was ecstatic: Great news for the real...

Of course, there always will be a top 1%, so those in the Occupy Wall Street movement who want to demonize the top 1% always will have a cause. But the numbers of millionaires who could be taxed to feed the demands of the proletariat is down in...

An employee of the L.A. School District and active Occupy Los Angleles supporter was fired for her anti-Semitic comments which have garnered a lot of attention. Here's the video of her reaction to the firing, where she doubles down (h/t IsraellyCool): The easy answer would be sure, fire her,...

Crain's New York has an article detailing how Occupy Wall Street and union protesters are taking the fight to the personal lives of executives who oppose them by disrupting their ability to go to restaurants and other day-to-day activities. As the Occupy Wall Street movement has...

Saturday was to be a nationwide turnout for the Occupy Wall Street movement, with large protests across the land.  From media coverage which portrays the movement as growing, one would have expected a large turnout, at least as large as the April 15, 2009 Tax...

Oprah's worth $1.5 billion.  Think how many struggling artists that could feed. Shakina Nayfack, featured in The Daily News complaining about his student debt, made the following comment in response to my post Another Occupy Wall Street poster child who is not: ...

Scrolling through The Daily News' live blog of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square yesterday, this photo and caption jumped out at me: Student loan debt a hot topic among Times Sq. crowd. "Student loans screwed up my credit!" one protester screamed while Shakina Nayfack,...

I attended the Occupy Ithaca rally today, which was scheduled as a mass peaceful demonstration starting at noon outside a Bank of America branch in downtown Ithaca As of 12:30 p.m., when I dropped by, there were about a dozen people holding signs.  I kind of...

So far, Democrats are going all in on the Occupy Wall Street movement, with the DNC even cirulating a petition in support.  Obama is trying to harness the energy for his campaign. That will change if plans for an OWS national convention take place next summer, signifying that...

Quote of the day, from a mostly sympathetic Walter Shapiro writing in The New Republic (h/t @SissyWillis): How do I convey this respectfully as a veteran of the 1960s? This is not the 1967 Pentagon March or anything like it. Nothing I saw in New York this...

Today a bunch of college Dems have created an "Occupy Cornell" event. I don't know what the objective of this is, but it looks like a pretty pathetic state of affairs in "solidarity." Here's the transcript of the "occupation" if your eyes are in need of...

Big Government is launching a crowdsourcing project for a cache of documents obtained regarding the organization and implementation of the Occupy Wall Street movement (via Ace, who is participating): In keeping with the new media notion of crowdsourcing–enthusiastically embraced by the mainstream media when trawling through Sarah...

There have been some highly publicized anti-Semitic outbursts at the Occupy Wall Street protests, as well as claims of anti-Semitism lodged against the organizing group, AdBusters. So now some progressive Jews have formed an Occupy Judaism movement presumably to deflect from the criticism and to mainstream Jewish...

Via Charlie Sykes, here are some of them, click to the link for all of them: Never acknowledge conservative victories as legitimate. Rely on Dane County judges whenever possible. Elections only matter if liberals win. Private businesses, families, personal lives are all fair game. Get the Mainstream...