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NY Times Tag

Roger Cohen of The NY Times famously told us in February 2011 (emphasis mine): Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for freedom that installs the Islamists. But this is not 1979, and Egypt’s...

In February 2011, Roger Cohen of The NY Times demanded that we abandon the phrase "the Arab Street" as a relic of the past which no longer applied, even as crowds in Tunisia surged around a Synagogue shouting ""Jews, remember Khyabar, the army of Mohammed is returning"": Cohen further asserted...

Roger Cohen was among the worst of the delusional dreamers about the nature of the Islamist uprising in Egypt. I frequently have quoted this prediction by Cohen on February 3, 2011: Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran...

James Taranto has a great column about how all the left-wing vitriol over the Citizens United case really is just an attempt to maintain the once monopoly power of left-wing corporations over political speech. News flash -- The New York Times is a corporation which protects...

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill (D) has had a rough few weeks. First, a lawsuit from an employee came to light revealing that her husband's business is being sued for sexual harassment. Then, whistleblower audio revealed that it appears her husband was cutting deals in the...

There has been a complete lack of reality this week in our government and media. Words are not deeds.  This is especially important to remember if you're the President of the United States who has essentially talked himself into office. Behold a paragraph from President Obama’s stirring...

The New York Times declares that the Bain attacks are working, Bain Attacks Make Inroads for President Propelled by a torrent of blistering television advertisements, President Obama is successfully invoking Mitt Romney’s career at Bain Capital to raise questions about his commitment to the middle class,...

Steve Almond writes in The NY Times, Liberals Are Ruining America. I Know Because I Am One: This, to be blunt, is the tragic flaw of the modern liberal. We choose to see ourselves as innocent victims of an escalating right-wing fanaticism. But too often we serve as...

Remember that Indelible Image of a Boy's Pat on Obama's Head? You know, the one that was so indelible that no one remembered it, and the NY Times felt compelled to remind you how indelible it was with a headline "Indelible Image of Boy's Pat on...

Joel Brinkley, currently a Professor at Stanford who spent most of his career as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, has a column in the San Francisco Chronicle titled Islamists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia not democratic. The thesis of the column is that Westerners who took...

Adam Kinzinger, a first term Congressman who was backed by Eric Cantor, defeated 10-term incumbent Don Mazullo.  Kinzinger had won election in 2010 with the support of Tea Party groups, but many conservative / Tea Party groups supported Mazullo in the new district which pitted two...

I bet the reaction would be quite different if NY Times columnist Charles M. Blow mocked religious Jewish undergarments the way he mocked religious Mormon undergarments in this tweet (h/t Jim Geraghty): But then again, he's a NY Times columnist with a long history of foul hyperbole directed at the Tea...

When MoDo is good, she's really good.  When she's bad, she's really bad. This is really good MoDo: Reagan didn’t socialize with the press. He spent his evenings with Nancy, watching TV with dinner trays. But he knew that to transcend, you can’t condescend. The portrait of the...