Gilead Ini of Camera writes how The NY Times finally reporting on anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incitement by Egyptian President Morsi stands in contrast with near silence about similar incitement in Palestinian society, Why Egyptian hate speech, and ‘NYT’ reporting on it, matter:
Would it be a problem if a society, following the encouragement its leaders, nursed millions of children on hatred for a religious group? Would it matter if a people was taught that bigotry is a form of worshiping God? Few would deny that such incitement does matter, as it would have a dangerous impact on both those encouraged to hate and on the targets of that hatred.
So it is important that The New York Times reported Tuesday on Mohammed Morsi’s chilling 2010 entreaty to Egyptians: “We must never forget, brothers, to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews.” The children of Egypt, Morsi said, shortly before anti-regime protests swept him to the presidency, must “feed on hatred…. The hatred must go on for God and as a form of worshiping him.” In a separate speech, brought to light in recent days by MEMRI, Morsi evoked the anti-Semitic slur casting Jews as “the descendants of apes and pigs.”
It is important that Times correspondent David Kirkpatrick wrote about this because such rhetoric serves as potent fuel that can overwhelm – for generations to come – attempts to extinguish the Arab-Israeli conflict, along with the suffering and bloodshed it causes.
And it is important because the Times has all too often ignored, at the expense of reader understanding of the conflict’s complexities, the ongoing phenomenon of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel indoctrination in Palestinian society and in the wider Arab world.
As I have said, It’s never been about the 1967 borders.

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Given Obama, seeming majority world opinion, Mussolini / Hitler won W.W. 2.
An Israeli leader (Golda Meir?) once said there would be no peace until Palestinians learned to love their children more than they hate Jews. No one can remember when the NYT last had an original thought.
And yet…
we are sending billions of taxpayer dollars and a small fleet of F-16s to the Muslim Brotherhoodlems(tm).
With not a whimper of complaint from much of anyone.
I don’t get it.
Since this phenomenon is almost never reported in the mainstream media, most people have no idea about how this is the main obstacle to peace. They just have a simplistic view of the Palestinians as the underdog.
Some people actually believe there was a nation called Palestine, from which the bad old Joooooooos tossed the poor inhabitants. Yet, the media never prints a word of the real history of modern Israel and the end of a Diaspora.
However, let Sarah say something *true about seeing Russia from Alaska, and they go ape-sh!t crazy ‘truth detecting’ her.
(*Yes, you can see Big Diomede in Russia from Little Diomede in the US, about 2.5 miles away.)