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North Korea Tag

Last June, President Donald Trump was preparing to meet North Korea's Chairman Kim Jong Un for the "Singapore Summit". This June, there has been no discernible progress made toward officially ending the Korean War or transitioning North Korea to something other than a rogue regime. However, Trump remains optimistic and committed to ending the chaos from Korea.

I recently urged readers to approach reports of a purge of North Korean officials associated with the Hanoi Summit with the U.S. that ended abruptly with skepticism. Now it appears that everyone should take the cautious approach since the media reported Kim Jong-un sent one of the high ranking diplomats involved in the summit to a labor camp, but pictures show him enjoying himself at a North Korean theater....along with the Dear Leader.

The last time we checked on North Korea, all the participating parties in the Hanoi Summit were regrouping after the sudden collapse of the high-level meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korea's Chairman Kim Jong Un. Now it is being reported that after a North Korean opposition group stormed the North Korean embassy in Spain last month, it handed over data stolen from the raid to the FBI.

We have been chronicling how South Korea has been teaming up with North Korea on a number if different projects in an apparent effort geared toward eventually opening up the rogue nation in a way that will not be a severe economic strain on its southern neighbor. Though the Hanoi Summit did not conclude with a declaration, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in promises he will work toward having the other two countries complete the peace deal.

Now that the Hanoi nuclear summit talks have ended in failure, the two crucial questions are (1) whether there will be a major escalation of tensions and (2) whether the North Koreans have made a fundamental decision to keep their nuclear program, despite the pressures. Only Kim Jong-Un can answer the second question.

Given the Democratic-staged drama of the Cohen hearings, one would be forgiven for not recognizing another historic summit occurred yesterday between President Donald Trump and North Korea's Dictator Kim Jong Un. Perhaps the American press will turn its attention to Hanoi today, as President Donald Trump cut short the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after denuclearization talks went nowhere.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the two leaders "had very good and constructive meetings" and "discussed various ways to advance denuclearization and economic driven concepts," but that "no agreement was reached at this time."

Chinese officials are currently planning to send their top trade negotiator to Washington, D.C., next month for trade talks designed to end the tariff battle between the two nations. Ahead of the meetings, the Chinese are appearing to leverage their influence with North Korea to optimum benefit. North Korea's Chairman Kim Jong-un was in Beijing this week, and made significant statements related to promises made during June's Singapore Summit.

We recently reported that the parents of Otto Warmbier, the college student who died after a year of North Korean imprisonment and torture over a stolen propaganda poster, were seeking more than $1 billion in damages from the rogue nation. A judge has now ruled that the Warmbiers are to receive about half that amount.
An American judge has ruled that Kim Jong Un’s North Korean regime must pay $501 million to the parents of Otto Warmbier after their son died following his time spent in captivity there.