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News about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's possible demise blew up social media on Monday night when CNN first reported that a source told the network Kim was in "grave danger" after surgery. MSNBC's Katy Tur tweeted (then deleted) Kim is brain dead. South Korea responded that Kim is perfectly fine. What is going on in the hermit kingdom?

A North Korean official indicates that the rogue nation is growing impatient with the U.S. over stalled nuclear talks, warning of "exchange of fire."
Kim Yong Chol said in a statement there has been no progress in U.S.-North Korea relations. He warned that the cordial relationship between dictator Kim Jong Un and President Trump wouldn't be enough to prevent nuclear diplomacy from failing, threatening that "there could be the exchange of fire at any moment."

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that in August, I reported that the world is looking at a potential shortage of bacon and other pork products as African Swine Fever, nicknamed "Pig Ebola," has spread through Asia. Presently, North Korea has only reported 22 pig this May from the deadly and highly contagious disease. However, wayward feral pigs caught along its border with South Korea have officials concerned that the rogue nation is hiding an African swine fever disaster.

News has come out that North Korea launched at least two unidentified projectiles toward the sea on Tuesday. This action comes hours after the nation's officials offered to resume nuclear diplomacy with the United States.
The North's projectile launches and demand for new proposals were apparently aimed at pressuring the United States to make concessions when the North Korea-U.S. talks restart. North Korea is widely believed to want the United States to provide it with security guarantees and extensive relief from U.S.-led sanctions in return for limited denuclearization steps.

Last June, President Donald Trump was preparing to meet North Korea's Chairman Kim Jong Un for the "Singapore Summit". This June, there has been no discernible progress made toward officially ending the Korean War or transitioning North Korea to something other than a rogue regime. However, Trump remains optimistic and committed to ending the chaos from Korea.

I recently urged readers to approach reports of a purge of North Korean officials associated with the Hanoi Summit with the U.S. that ended abruptly with skepticism. Now it appears that everyone should take the cautious approach since the media reported Kim Jong-un sent one of the high ranking diplomats involved in the summit to a labor camp, but pictures show him enjoying himself at a North Korean theater....along with the Dear Leader.