Mike Pence | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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One of the many admirable precepts of America's system of government has been the peaceful transfer of executive power, a transfer that hinges on the acceptance of election results and all parties working together for the good of the country. In four years, there's another election and the losing party tries again.

If it's a day ending in "y," you can rest assured that perpetually outraged feminists are going to find something "offensive" in order to rally their troops. This week has been no exception. The latest outrage du jour comes from news reports out of Mississippi where a Republican gubernatorial candidate is facing backlash after telling a female journalist that she could only interview him in his truck as he made campaign stops if another man was present.

The Supreme Court upheld an Indiana law that required a burial or cremation of an aborted human being, but decided to provide an unsigned opinion on the portion of the law that bans abortion based on sex, race, and disability. Vice President Mike Pence signed the bill into law in 2016 when he served as governor of Indiana. Justice Clarence Thomas issued an opinion in support of the Indiana law on abortion restrictions due to eugenics using abortion as a form of eugenics on minorities.

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is one of 18 or 19 Democrats running for president, has enjoyed mostly fawning press coverage since he entered the race back in January. But he hadn't really done anything early on to differentiate himself from the crowded field of contenders. So he decided to do something about it. Along the way, our so-called "impartial" mainstream media eagerly lent him a helping hand. They invented a "feud" with VP Mike Pence that did not exist.

Although General John Kelly had agreed to stay in his position until 2020, President Trump is reportedly removing Kelly from his position as White House Chief of Staff. Kelly was brought in to replace Reince Priebus and instill order to the chaotic Trump White House, and by all accounts he did an admirable job. Trump has announced that Kelly will leave his position by the end of the year.

You can always count on Rep. Maxine Waters to give away the plans to destroy Trump's presidency and administration. The latest of which occurred Friday and included a suggestion to "knock off" Trump, which was greeted with applause and cheers. The National Newspaper Publishers Association gave Waters a National Leadership Award and Waters used her platform to trash Trump.

Vice President Mike Pence has officially laid out the plan to begin creating a military command dedicated to space, establishing the “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military. If everything goes according to this plan, the Space Force would be in place by 2020, making it the first new branch of the military established since the Air Force was formed shortly after World War II.

The left has always been crazy about street theater as a form of protest, especially if it involves do-it-yourself costumes and props. In the age of Trump, and more specifically Mike Pence, progressives have latched onto the Hulu series the "Handmaid's Tale" which imagines a dystopian future where women have lost many of their rights.