Michele Bachmann | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Michele Bachmann Tag

Some of our readers are disputing that Michele Bachmann "retired" from running for office, but however you describe it, she's not running for the congressional seat she has been in for several terms. And it looks like her main competitor -- whose election was made more not...

Mixed feelings. She was right on many issues, and attracted all the right enemies. But her primary performance was disappointing, to put it mildly. No need to rehash all that now. I wish her well. ...

What goes around comes around.  Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager last spring and the first thing he did was trash Sarah Palin. Bachmann let the Rollins' comments hang out there for a while and then went on TV to say what good friends...

One of the conspiracy theories floating around the comment section here and elsewhere was that Michele Bachmann served as the attack dog against everyone but Romney in the hope of gaining a VP nod. The speculation was fueled by Bachmann's relentless and often inaccurate attacks on...

You know I have a big problem with Michele Bachmann making statements which are not supported by facts and then repeating them endlessly. Her campaign is up to much worse in South Carolina, where her local campaign manager has suggested that the Gingrich campaign has paid...

Michele Bachmann pretty much ended Tim Pawlenty's campaign. Bachman attacked Pawlenty relentlessly and took the Iowa straw poll, causing Pawlenty (foolishly, in hindsight) to withdraw.  In so doing, Bachmann eliminated the person who was the most viable not-Romney establishment candidate, a former Governor with a good, conservative record...

Taking another look at Michele Bachmann is one of the memes being pushed by people unhappy with the Newt/Romney choice in the wake of the likely departure from the race of Herman Cain. Why does Cain dropping out make Bachmann any better than she was? She's still...

Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann (as well as many Mitt supporters in the media) have been distorting Newt Gingrich's position on immigration as one favoring "amnesty." Via The Shark Tank, here is a video where Newt explains his immigration policy.  I believe it's a fully acceptable...

When I saw this Michelle Bachmann ad my first thought was, "Don't go there, Michele, this will not help you."  But on second thought, why not? I have been in favor of niceness so far, but I wondering whether it's gone on long enough.  Why shouldn't the...

Yes, Michele you should have done a Google search before hiring Ed Rollins (NYT via NRO via HotAir): She said critical comments Mr. Rollins made to reporters after stepping aside were dismaying. “When it comes to personnel issues, I act professionally and respectful of former employees,” she...

Michele Bachmann is doubling down on Ed Rollins, even though health concerns (allegedly) are the reason he will not run her campaign on a day-to-day basis: Sources close to Rep. Michele Bachmann tell National Review Online that the Minnesota Republican has known for days that Ed...

All this talk about Rick Perry being too much like Dubya has infiltrated the brain of the person who tweets for The Hill. From @thehill: From The Hill, at the link in the tweet:  Just a mistake, or creating a story?...

As you know, I have zero tolerance for Republicans who trash talk Sarah Palin.  Three years of Palin Derangement Syndrome have made me allergic; Palin stands apart from other Republican candidates in that regard. There is only one candidate in the Republican field whose campaign staff has used trash...

The Daily Caller is running a report that Michele Bachmann suffers from frequent severe migraines and is heavily medicated, rendering her incapacitated for days at a time.  The sourcing is entirely from anonymous former aides.  I don't know if the story is true, or even if...

Is there any doubt that if Obama could do it on his own, Jerusalem would be divided and Israel forced back to the 1949 armistice borders?  A point I have made before is that the real danger comes in a second term, when he is freed of...