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Mexico Tag

Despite the mainstream media clamoring for Democratic candidate Joe Biden to be declared the winner of the U.S. presidential race and world leaders lining up to recognize him as 'President-Elect,' Mexican President Andres Obrador has again refused to congratulate the Biden-Harris camp.

As former President George W. Bush and Sen. Mitt Romney fall over themselves to congratulate Biden and call for the nation to "get behind" him, Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says he is waiting until all legal challenges are completed before congratulating a winner in this year's presidential election.

President Donald Trump told Bill O'Reilly he wants the U.S. to designate the Mexican drug cartels as terrorists. It comes weeks after drug cartels killed nine Americans, including six children, in northern Mexico. His decision pushed Mexican officials to announce they want to meet with the State Department to discuss the designation.

As Republicans, normal Americans, and even some moderate Democrats are lambasted as "unAmerican" at best and "racist, white supremacist Nazis" at worst for arguing that open borders is a really bad idea, a new survey conducted by The Washington Post and Mexico’s Reforma newspaper finds that the majority of Mexicans want illegal aliens in Mexico deported back to their home countries.

In response to the news that there were going to be ICE raids and deportations of illegal aliens who have already been issued deportation orders, leftists in Colorado chose a uniquely infuriating way to protest the move. They illegally entered federal property, took down the American flag, defaced it, raised it (upside down), and raised a Mexican flag at the same height as the defaced, union-down American flag.  They also raised some sort of anti-police/Blue Lives Matter flag in place of the Colorado state flag.

2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (NJ) took a page out of rival Robert O'Rourke's book when he went to Mexico to speak with those sent back to Mexico after our government denied them asylum. Booker took it one step further by bringing five female asylum seekers with him back to America.

As his campaign flounders, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Robert O'Rourke did what anyone else would do. He crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico to campaign with asylum seekers. Oh, wait. That does not make sense since those people cannot vote until they become citizens.

Just when you think we may have seen peak "social justice insanity," there is a news item showing that we have clearly not yet topped out! Despite having 15th largest economy in the world and being the third most populous country in the Americas, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has demanded that the Spanish government apologize for the conquistadors.

This process has been a joke for far too long. An immigrant seeking asylum could just disappear into the United States once they got here. Mexico has now agreed to a new Trump administration policy which will keep asylum seekers there while we figure out whether or not they should be here.