Media Matters | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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On the most recent airing of the CNN Sunday talk show, Reliable Sources, former CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkinson, revealed a rather stunning accusation about the far left online news organization, Media Matters.
Media Matters, as my understanding, is a far left blog group that I think holds itself out to be sort of an independent watchdog group. And yes, they clearly targeted me at some point. They used to work with me on stories and tried to help me produce my stories… And I was certainly friendly with them as anybody, good information can come from any source. But when I persisted with Fast and Furious and some of the green energy stories I was doing, I clearly at some point became a target… [Emphasis Added]
Of course, anyone who has read Media Matters would scoff at the idea that it is a politically “independent” media watchdog group. Given the obvious leanings of the organization, the revelation that Media Matters is actually assisting, in some manner, in producing content for one of the “Big 3” (ABC, NBC, CBS) network news programs carries significant implications. Most notably, these three networks are still viewed by many in the public as the place to get your least politically slanted news. For many Americans, the brief 30-minute or hour long nightly news program from these networks is the only news they get all day. In the immediate wake of Attikson's Sunday appearance, Media Matters elected only to respond to the assertion by Attkinson that she had been targeted by the organization:

The years' long Media Matters War on Fox News was intended to destroy Fox News, as expressed by David Brock in 2011: The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out...

Stephen Jimenez is the author of "The Book of Matt," a book that calls into question the deeply ingrained narrative that the murder of Matthew Shepard was an anti-gay hate crime. The extensively researched book reveals that the Shepard anti-gay hate crime narrative may be all wrong. Jimenez, who is gay himself, has been praised by prominent gay rights activists, including Andrew Sullivan.  In response to the new information, Sullivan has even called the narrative "a politically convenient myth" deployed to "raise gobs of money and pass unnecessary laws." Stephen Jimenez: Meth And The Murder Of Matthew Shepard from The Dish on Vimeo. On Monday, The New York Post's Andrea Peyser lauded Jimenez for shedding light on "an uncomfortable truth":
 Jimenez unearthed a story that few people wanted to hear. And it calls into question everything you think you know about the life and death of one of the leading icons of our age.

We have covered the War On Rush Limbaugh run by Media Matters and a bizarre group of dead-enders who spend their days tweeting advertisers and filling up pages on Facebook. I'm not going to repeat the long, sordid history of the StopRush and FlushRush movements.  But...

We don't actually know that Megyn Kelly is replacing Sean Hannity, even if the Drudge scoop is true that Kelly is taking the 9 p.m. slot at Fox News.  Hannity may be moving to another prime time slot, or there may be some out-of-the-box schedule...

I have covered the #StopRush and various affiliated boycott campaigns against Rush Limbaugh organized and run by Media Matters as extensively as anyone: Media Matters astroturfed the Limbaugh secondary boycott Independent Rush boycott group coordinated with Media Matters Evidence of Media Matters coordination disappears from “independent” anti-Rush group website #StopRush turns on...

SodaStream is an Israeli company which makes a really cool and really popular product, essentially a make your own soda at home device.  I plan on getting one.  Its U.S. division is SodaStreamUSA. This video shows the SodaStream story of building bridges between Jews and Arabs: Nonetheless,...

It's Deja Vu all over again, earnings season bringing another attempt by Cumulus Media to throw Rush Limbaugh under the Media Matters' boycott bus. For a bit of history on the Limbaugh boycott organized by and still pushed by Media Matters, see my prior posts from...

As Lee Stranahan notes, it took the NY Times to vindicate Andrew Breitbart against the attacks led by Media Matters: Many have noted the irony of Andrew Breitbart's tireless work to expose the fraud and corruption in Pigford being vindicated by the liberal New York Times--but...

I don't claim to be real good with the computer and the internet.  So it is entirely possible that I missed Media Matters' mea culpa and apology now that even the NY Times has vindicated Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford fraud. Please help me find Media Matters'...

The game plays out every time there is a high-profile act of criminal violence.  There is an immediate media and left-blogsphere search to tie the shooter to a "right-wing" entity ...

You know the greatest threat to American education as Media Matters wants it? John Stossel. Libertarian. EVIL KOCH BROS MONEY! RT @mmfa: Who's putting Fox host @johnstossel in our kids' classrooms?— Sissy Willis (@SissyWillis) February 25, 2013 Possibly the greatest threat to the children ever, The Right-Wing...

Related to this, via Mediaite: In a soon-to-be-released interview with The New Republic, President Obama reportedly laments the negative influence Fox News and Rush Limbaugh can have on the congressional debate over various pieces of legislation. The president told TNR editor Frank Foer and owner Chris Hughes...

As we move into 2013 and the legal insurrections, we should learn from history. As Thomas Lifson at American Thinker points out, now that the major institutions have been surrendered, it's time to emulate the left, Here comes the Alinskyite Right: David Gregory and Piers Morgan have...