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On Sunday night, BuzzFeed published an interview with actor Anthony Rapp, who accused Kevin Spacey of making a sexual advance on him when he was only 14-years-old over 30 years ago. Spacey stated he did not remember the incident, but also used the opportunity to officially come out as a gay man, which has been speculated for many years. Now many, especially in the LGBT community, have blasted Spacey for using his sexuality as cover for his alleged sexual misconduct. They have a point because I noticed a lot in the media making the story about Spacey's sexuality instead of Rapp's claims.

This year, California has faced the possibility of a dam break catastrophe and wildfires have hit our state hard. Furthermore, our state makes an attractive target for an increasingly belligerent North Korea. But apparently nothing is as urgent for our legislators to address than transgender issues.
California lawmakers are in the middle of discussing a new bill that would introduce a third gender option to California IDs.

President Donald Trump has issued guidance to the Pentagon on transgender policies. Trump has asked the military to stop admitting transgender individuals, but gives the secretaries of defense and homeland security some leeway. From Fox News:
The directive reinstates the ban on military service for transgender individuals. It also halts military expenses on sexual reassignment surgery, except for those who have already begun medical procedures, and implements criteria for whether transgender individuals already in the military should be allowed to continue to serve.

The Texas legislature failed to pass a bathroom bill that regulated the use of public restrooms for transgender people after a 29-day special session. There's a possibility that Republican Governor Greg Abbott will call another special session to address this bill along with other issues. From The Associated Press:
When asked if the governor plans to call another special session, a spokesman referred to a Monday radio interview during which Mr. Abbott said, “Obviously, all options are always on the table.”

On June 24, 2017, Jews who carried a Jewish LGBT Pride flag with a Star of David on it at the "Dyke March Chicago" were singled out by organizers and kicked out of the event, which was held on public property. The actions were anti-Semitic despite claims by the organizers they were only "anti-Zionist," as explained in our post, Psychosis-laced anti-Semitism: Anti-Israel LGBT activists ban Star of David from Chicago parade:
Claims of anti-Semitism are being made over actions yesterday by organizers of a “Dyke March” in Chicago to remove certain Jewish participants from the event because they carried a Jewish LGBT Pride Flag that had a Star of David in the Middle of a rainbow flag. The flag was alleged to be “triggering” to “pro-Palestinian” participants....

We reported yesterday on the exclusions of certain Jews from a "Dyke March" in Chicago when they were spotted carrying a Jewish Pride Flag, the classic rainbow flag with a Star of David in the middle, Psychosis-laced anti-Semitism: Anti-Israel LGBT activists ban Star of David from Chicago parade. In that post, we detailed the history of the anti-Israel movement embraced by some radical LGBT activists, despite the obvious detachment from reality of siding with one of the most homophobic societies on the planet (Palestinians) against one of the most enlightened (Israel). That detachment from reality is understood only by understanding how anti-Israel activists specifically have set out to hijack other movements and redirect them from the original cause to an anti-Israel movement.

The Supreme Court has decided to hear a challenge from a Colorado baker, after the state charged him with violating the state's anti-discrimination law when he declined to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. From the LA Times:
Jack Phillips, the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colo., was charged with violating the state’s anti-discrimination law, which says businesses open to the public may not deny service to customers based on their race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. The state commission held that his refusal to make the wedding cake amounted to discriminatory conduct, and the state courts upheld that decision.

Claims of anti-Semitism are being made over actions yesterday by organizers of a "Dyke March" in Chicago to remove certain Jewish participants from the event because they carried a Jewish LGBT Pride Flag that had a Star of David in the Middle of a rainbow flag. The flag was alleged to be "triggering" to "pro-Palestinian" participants. I'll discuss the specifics below. Was it anti-Semitism? Objectively, yes.

In February, California decided to ban state-funded travel to Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee after officials deemed laws in these states discriminate against the LGBT community. California has now added Texas, Alabama, South Dakota, and Kentucky to that list for the same reasons.

There apparently is no depth to which so-called Jewish Voice for Peace will not go in its anti-Zionist activism. For those who are not familiar, JVP's name itself is highly misleading, as it is not Jewish and is not for peace. Rather, JVP provides a Jewish cover for the anti-Semites and Israel-bashers of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. One of JVP's primary modus operandi is disruption -- to make it difficult for pro-Israel voices to be heard without being shouted down or pushed off stage, or having their events disrupted. JVP once even disrupted a NYC Council vote commemorating liberation of Auschwitz:

Unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, President Trump entered office as a supporter of gay marriage. Yet the gay community, which is overwhelmingly leftist politically, acts as if we elected Pat Robertson last fall. Gay Trump supporters in Charlotte, North Carolina applied to have a float in the city's gay pride parade and were told they are not welcome. Todd Starnes reports at FOX News:

Earlier this month, Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported that at least 100 gay men disappeared in Chechnya due to "their non-traditional sexual orientation, or suspicion of such." Chechnya and Russia immediately denied these claims, but outlets have started to reach out to those who had been detained, thus giving support to the report. From The Guardian:
At least once a day, Adam’s captors attached metal clamps to his fingers and toes. One of the men then cranked a handle on a machine to which the clamps were linked with wires, and sent powerful electric shocks through his body. If he managed not to scream, others would join in, beating him with wooden sticks or metal rods.