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Kamala Harris Tag

Oh for the love of everything on this planet. Not everything is about race and your sex. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who hasn't even hit double digits in primary polling, lashed out at the media because they supposedly only pay attention to the old white males. From Politico:
“There has been a lot of conversation by pundits about ‘electability’ and ‘who can speak to the Midwest?’ But when they say that, they usually put the Midwest in a simplistic box and a narrow narrative, and too often their definition of the Midwest leaves people out,” Harris said in an opening salvo during the trip. “It leaves out people in this room who helped build cities like Detroit. It leaves out working women who are on their feet all day—many of them working without equal pay.”

On Wednesday night, former Democrat Texas Rep. Robert O'Rourke texted KTSM in his hometown of El Paso, TX, to inform the station that he is running for president. O'Rourke made it official on Thursday morning with the launch of his website and video that urged "Americans to look past their differences in order to confront the challenges facing the country."

Sorry, Democrats, but data recently released from the IRS indicates tax refunds haven't dwindled following Trump's tax reform, they're actually up by a whole 1.3% (on average). Since its passage, Democrats have demonized the tax reform legislation, first claiming the increase in take-home pay was minimal, then suggesting companies would just keep the extra for themselves, greedy corporations and all. When large companies passed the saving to their employees, Democrats went back to the, well it's just a one-time small gift, mantra.

Seven years ago George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in lawful self-defense, as Martin beat Zimmerman to a bloody pulp Mixed Martial Arts style. Martin died of a single shot. The eyewitness and forensic evidence introduced at trial corroborated Zimmerman's account of being sucker punched in the nose, something Martin had bragged in text messages, kept from the jury, was his preferred method of starting fights. An eyewitness witnessed the beating, and the forensics were completely consistent with Zimmerman's account.

A statue honoring Christopher Columbus was vandalized this weekend in the San Diego area's Chula Vista.
According to police, officers were called to Discovery Park around noon after neighbors reported that someone poured red paint over the statue. When officers arrived they also found the words “genocide” and “FU” spray painted onto the figure. A brass plaque that used to be attached to the statue was also missing.

The 2020 election campaign season is kicking into high gear, and a number of Democratic party hopefuls are jumping onto the reparations train. But it's one they may find could derail their aspirations for higher office.

We've been arguing for almost a year and a half that the Democratic field, with its angry, socialist and unlikable candidates, will end with Democrats begging and pleading for Michelle Obama to run to save the nation from four more years of Trump. Most recently I wrote how Michelle Obama’s Grammys Buzz – A reminder of the mediocrity of Democrat presidential candidates:

Authorities arrested US Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson "last week on weapons and drugs charges." The motion for pretrial detention revealed horrific details like how intended "to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country." The federal prosecutors described him as a "domestic terrorist" and "white nationalist" who kept a hit list of journalists and Democratic lawmakers.

It's time for Bernie 2.0! Self-proclaimed democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has officially entered a crowded Democrat 2020 presidential race. From Vermont Public Radio:
"I wanted to let the people of the state of Vermont know about this first," Sanders told VPR's Bob Kinzel. "And what I promise to do is, as I go around the country, is to take the values that all of us in Vermont are proud of — a belief in justice, in community, in grassroots politics, in town meetings — that's what I'm going to carry all over this country."