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Joe Biden Tag

Former Vice President Joe Biden wins Michigan and its 125 pledged delegates. The Associated Press, Fox News, and CNN called the state for Biden. While Michigan said it may not have official results until Wednesday, Biden has a huge lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Six states will vote in primaries on Tuesday, but people have concentrated on Michigan. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) barely beat failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the state in 2016. Then President Donald Trump beat her in Michigan in the presidential election. It looks like Sanders may lose Michigan on Tuesday since former Vice President Joe Biden holds a 24 point lead.

With each passing day, more and more videos capture Joe Biden on the campaign trail making what are more than the gaffes for which he is famous. Biden forgets or struggles to remember names, events and people as he speaks, and jumbles words. Biden should not be laughed at for this. My overwhelming feeling for Joe is one of sadness, that he was pushed into something for which he is not prepared. And it's only going to get worse.

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Vice President Joe Biden are tearing apart each other on Twitter. Even supporters of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are attacking Sanders' supporters over their whining. Bernie Bros are upset because Biden surged to first place after Super Tuesday.

Over 1,300 delegates were in play on Super Tuesday for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates after fourteen states, along with American Somoa, voted. Former Vice President Joe Biden crushed everyone, leaving the day with almost 400 delegates so far.

President Barack Obama has said over and over that he will not endorse a candidate in the 2020 Democratic primary. But is he supporting his Vice President Joe Biden behind the scenes? Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is supposedly mulling an endorsement of Biden after he spoke to both men after he dropped out of the race on Sunday. Now reports say Buttigieg, along with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), will endorse Biden Monday night at a rally in Dallas.