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Joe Biden Tag

Young Democratic voters are not particularly excited about the prospect of voting for Joe Biden, and who can blame them? The primary began with over 20 candidates and ended with, well, Joe Biden. Young voters tend to be more progressive and they're getting the most Democrat establishment candidate available.

The Department of Justice dropped its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Thursday due to new information. The DOJ also released documents in its motion. These documents showed President Barack Obama knew details from Flynn's wire-tapped calls, and then-Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein expanded the Russia-Trump collusion probe beyond its primary scope.

Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang challenged New York's decision to cancel its Democratic primary, scheduled for June 23. The state chose to do so because it's obvious former Vice President Joe Biden will win the nomination and the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, which has ravaged the state. Judge Analise Torres ruled that New York must have its Democratic primary, finding the cancellation unconstitutional, and it must include "all qualified candidates."

The Washington Free Beacon reported that back in 1991, presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, then Delaware senator, opposed a procedural motion that would have created a Senate office to handle sexual harassment complaints. Former Biden staffer Tara Reade alleges he sexually assaulted her in 1993, two years after he opposed the motion.

Joe Biden doesn't want people going through his Senate archives housed at the University of Delaware before the 2020 general election. Biden struck a deal that would keep the archives hidden from the public until two years after Biden leaves public life. But with the sexual assault allegation from Tara Reade, those archives have come into focus.

The Senate Secretary said the office has "no discretion to disclose any such information" when it comes to presumptive 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden's records concerning Tara Reade, who alleges he sexually assaulted her in 1993. This comes a day after The New York Times editorial board suggested the DNC form an "unbiased, apolitical panel" to investigate sexual assault allegations against Biden. DNC Chairman Tom Perez brushed aside the idea of a panel.