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Iran Tag

Dick Lugar's record on Iran (and Middle East policy in general) has not received as much attention as other Lugar failures, such as his vouching for Obama's foreign policy credentials just three weeks before the 2008 election. Lugar consistently has shown what generously could be characterized as wishful thinking about negotiations with the Iranian...

Dick Lugar touts his foreign policy expertise and influence, something which Brian Bolduc at National Review today finds is suspect. One thing Lugar does not tout is that he joined Harry Reid in 2007 in announcing that the surge in Iraq was not working and should be stopped. Reid's...

I'll have more on this as the date approaches, but anti-Israel groups in Arab countries and the West are planning a "Global March on Jerusalem" on March 30, which will include a planned rush at Israel's borders. The Free Beacon has background, March Madness: The Iranian regime...

From The Times of Israel: Twenty-two people have been arrested in Azerbaijan on suspicion of planning terror attacks on the Israeli and American embassies and on top diplomats from these and other countries, local media in the country reported on Wednesday. The Azeri Ministry of National Security...

When Iranian protesters took to the streets in June 2009, the Obama administration policy was to keep quiet and indirectly support the regime in the hopes of luring Iran into nuclear arms talks. Only when the political pressure became too great did Obama speak out, and even...

From NBC News: Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. The group, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, has...

There seems to be a war brewing in the Middle East, if not on the battlefield at least in the political realm. The Wall Street Journal and many others report tension between the U.S. and Israel over a potential strike on Iran.  There also is tension over...

Iran will not be allowed to get nukes, and is a year or less away.  So says Leon Panetta: The U.S. Secretary of Defense said Monday night that Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. In an interview, Leon Panetta, said despite the...

Carl in Jerusalem screams "OMG - He Can't Be Serious," regarding this video: Carl, you're a lawyer. In order to commence suit in court for return of the drone, demand must be made and the persons in possession of the drone must be given a reasonable opportunity to return...

Fully intact: Iranian TV has shown the first video footage of an advanced US drone aircraft that Tehran says it downed near the Afghan border. Images show Iranian military officials inspecting the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft which appears to be undamaged. US officials have acknowledged the loss of the...

Wow, just wow. Republican Mark Reed is running for Congress in California's 30th District against Democratic Congressmen Brad Sherman and Howard Berman in a new district resulting from redistricting.  Reed is a conservative, Tea Party backer. Reed is making a big deal about the Obama administration's policy towards Israel,...

When someone finds himself so in need of criticizing the U.S. that he ends up defending the brutal Iranian regime which for over 30 years has funded anti-U.S. and anti-Israel groups around the globe and sought to export Islamist fundamentalism, then all credibility has been lost. See,...

First the good news, completely unconfirmed but great to speculate about: Is the Stuxnet computer malworm back on the warpath in Iran? Exhaustive investigations into the deadly explosion last Saturday, Nov. 12 of the Sejil-2 ballistic missile at the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Alghadir base point increasingly to...

Some interesting Iran things going on. A massive explosion at a military base / missile depot about 12 miles (some reports say 25 miles) from Tehran broke windows in the capital. Claims already are being made that it was Israeli sabotage. One of the dead was the head of...

Commentary on the claim by Nicholas Sarkozy, with a willing acknowledgement, that Benjamin Netanyahu was a liar, from Caroline Glick (h/t reader John): Since Iran’s nuclear weapons program was first  revealed to the public in 2004, Israel has provided in-depth intelligence  information proving Iran’s malign intentions to the...

It's been a while since I've been able to post a good Stuxnet story.  Stuxnet, you will recall, is the malicious malware which has plagued the Iranian nuclear program and which is blamed -- without proof -- on Israel. The PJ Tatler notes that an Iranian attempt this...

Last week, I reported that an Iranian pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, was to be sentenced to death for apostasy.  Now, the political branches in Iran are upping the stakes, intending to execute him for being a Zionist threat to national security instead. We should all remember, as Obama...