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Iran Tag

Hezbollah in Lebanon needs Bashar Assad to stay in power, as Syria not only supports Hezbollah militarily but also serves as a logistics conduit for Iran.Hezbollah's support of Syria's crackdown has been noticed:Syrian security forces fired at two protests in the eastern province of Deir...

I wondered last week why the Iranian Defense Ministry was becoming more vocal in its criticism of Siemens for supposedly helping Israel and the West with the Stuxnet virus which has infected Iran's nuclear program.This may be the reason, as detailed by the Jerusalem Post:Iran has been...

We haven't heard much about Stuxnet recently, but there has been plenty of speculation that Stuxnet was only a temporary setback for the Iranian nuclear program.  The Iranians have bragged that they have even more advanced centrifuges at work now.But this outburst by an Iranian...

The man Hillary Clinton described as a "reformer" (which she later tried to walk back), and on whom the Obama administration has pinned its hopes for peace in the Middle East, despite his having helped funnel insurgents into Iraq to kill American soldiers and Iraqi civilians, his arming...

Tonight starts the Jewish holiday of Purim:Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. The story of Purim is told in the Biblical book...

In what will come as a shock to no one who lives in reality, the revolutions throughout the Middle East, while sparked in many instances by people who share western-style democratic values, are turning Islamist, and the Obama administration is dithering and accepting the outcome as a...

I'm sure the Iranian Minister of Whatever will soon announce that Iran has completely cured its Stuxnet problem.But that announcement will have to wait, because Iran is too busy right now unloading nuclear fuel rods from the Bushehr nuclear reactor, even though the reactor was...

It has not received much attention in the U.S. media, perhaps because we are more concerned with our national debt spinning out of control than the spinning of Iranian centrifuges.But news reports abroad indicate that the outgoing commander of the Israel Defense Forces may have...

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced that it will not run a presidential candidate and will not seek a parliamentary majority in the coming elections.  This announcement is being hailed as a sign of moderation, but it is no such thing.The Muslim Brotherhood must know that...

Wired links to a Symantec paper on the Stuxnet virus, showing that there were three waves (image right) of infection targeting five key organizations:Attackers behind the Stuxnet computer worm focused on targeting five organizations in Iran that they believed would get them to their final target...

Let's face it, he'd get the "hands off" treatment from this administration. Regime change seems to be United States policy only for our friends.Did Obama demand that Hugo Chavez transition to leave office when peaceful protesters were beaten in the streets of Caracas, or at any...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt.It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of a...

Obama does bear responsibility for the high, and now likely perpetual, unemployment rates, the skyrocketing budget deficits, and the rapid rise in our national debt in the past two years.  Domestically, the obsession with passing Obamacare and expanding government had a direct cause and effect...

As a follow up to my post the other day regarding the reopening of a rare earth minerals mine in the U.S., China announced yesterday that it was slashing exports:China, which produces about 97 percent of the global supply of the metals used in the...

The Stuxnet malware has set back the Iranian nuclear program by two years, according to a German expert quoted in The Jerusalem Post (h/t @Allahpundit):The Stuxnet virus, which has attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities and which Israel is suspected of creating, has set back the Islamic Republic’s...

A traditional method of sending a powerful message to those who seek to harm you is to use their own weapons against them.The Israelis did this to great effect during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, in which the Israelis captured an almost unimaginable quantity of...

Fox News had an interesting article on Friday about the stuxnet malware, and how it was ingeniously constructed to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program:"In other words the worm was designed to allow the Iranian program to continue but never succeed, and never to know why."But that...

There are many take-aways from the Wikileaks documents dump.  The left is focused on the failure of the U.S. to stop Iraqi-on-Iraqi brutality and torture.  But there is a theme in the documents which has enormous implications not so much for the past, but for...