Last week, I reported that an Iranian pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, was to be sentenced to death for apostasy. Now, the political branches in Iran are upping the stakes, intending to execute him for being a Zionist threat to national security instead.
We should all remember, as Obama continues to praise the Arab Spring, that when Iran had its own revolution, Obama refused to challenge the legitimacy of the Iranian regime, even as protesters risked their lives to wave signs in English and beg for American support.

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So that is the latest? I thought over the weekend they had accused him of rape, and were pushing that as an excuse to execute him.
I hope and pray that Obama is gone after 2012 – and that we elect someone who will support the Iranian Green freedom movement! That is the only thing I’ve seen in the region that has given me hope for the Middle East, for the Iranian people – and to some degree, for Israel, by eliminating the insane dictators controlling the Iranian government.
The contrast between this poor man and the self-indulgent ‘occupiers’ over here is hard to miss.
Thanks for keeping a focus on this, Matthew.
The only silver lining is that this absurd charge is made because they were forced to face the fact that the death sentence for apostasy shows them up to be persecutors and thugs.