A man wearing a Donald Trump shirt and carrying a weapon stood outside a voting location in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Friday. Authorities in the nation’s richest county are apparently OK with that. Erika Cotti encountered the man when she went to vote at the county’s registrar’s office, she told The Huffington Post. Virginia doesn’t have early voting per se, but voters can cast in-person absentee ballots for a host of reasons, like if they’re going to be out of the county or city on Election Day.
It is a political decision by HuffPo to impose on readers its view of Trump in the most pernicious way — not as part of an explicit and open editorial process but by corrupting HuffPo’s own news process. In what universe, other than the liberal media bias, is a candidate currently leading national polls and all but guaranteed to be included in the first debate not a political issue? You can hate Trump’s campaign, but it’s still politics.HuffPo was stuck with this ridiculous decision, even going so far as to beclown itself further by announcing Trump's decision to forego a third-party run on its Entertainment pages.
Ryan Grim (Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post) and Danny Shea (Editorial Director, The Huffington Post), have announced that because Donald Trump in their eyes is a sideshow, any news about Trump will be banished from the “Politics” section of HuffPo News to the Entertainment section, A Note About Our Coverage Of Donald Trump’s ‘Campaign’:
After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump's campaign is a sideshow. We won't take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you'll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.
In February 2013, a series of bias incidents occurred on Oberlin campus. The outraged campus canceled classes and received much attention from the media, including an article in the Huffington Post.
However, the two students who perpetrated the racist acts later claimed that it was a "joke" in order to "troll" the campus, according to the police report. Notably, the lead perpetrator was a liberal student with a history of Obama activism in high school and college.
After the hoax was exposed, the Huffington Post ran an article by the Associated Press, Oberlin Racism Hoax.
However, the AP article left out one critical piece of information, that the hoax was perpetrated by a liberal. We could not have set a better trap if we had tried.
Many of the HuffPo commenters gleefully jumped to the conclusion that the perpetrator of the hoax must be a conservative Rush Limbaugh-listening Republican.
Below, check out these hilarious 15 liberals who just can't handle the truth!
So he made some mistakes. Name an Attorney General who hasn't made mistakes. Okay, more than "some" mistakes: We were right all along, admit it, HuffPo. Come on, man and woman up. A simple, "we're sorry" will do. Actually, no it won't....
And now I rise to the defense of one Christopher James Christie: George W. Bush nicknamed him “Big Boy.” This dust-up is so stupid and pathetic it makes my head hurt. You see, when you call a black man a "boy" it's a racial pejorative. When you merely...
Huffington Post has an article promoted on its front page, published today at 1:36pm, from an "LGBT rights activist" referring to the Family Research Council as an "extreme right-wing group" and a "hate group": ...
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